We bet on what next nerf survivors will get.



  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Well... A killer got nerfed, then the killers start to complain about some survivor abilites.

    Then a survivor thing get nerfed and the survivors start to complain about killer abilities.

    The only way out imo, of this cycle would be to buff every killer on the actual spirit level.

    Then survivors could also ask for stronger perks, if they not already got them on the way to this goal.

    Note: With that I don't like to say that spirit is op. Infact I believe she is in her perfect spot right now, after all I have read about her from Spirit mains and survivors.

  • noneofyourbusiness
    noneofyourbusiness Member Posts: 532

    If she would be (Spirit) killer about skill and prediction, not about easy tracking bc her "downside" not seeing surivors is a joke when she can hear breathing, grunts of pain, interaction with gens, with totems, with lockers ect. sees footsteps, see interaction with environment like grass, corn fields she just have this too much, it's not a skill like many ppl say, it's reading like from book, nothing else

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    You can say old legion had counter play all you want but the counter play was easily countered.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Well, I doubt I solved anything. More like pointed it out :/. I'm glad you're seeing it as well, because yeah, I'd be totally fine with getting a 2K if that were a safety at red ranks. But it isn't, that's a de-pip 99% of the time.

  • Accorn
    Accorn Member Posts: 89

    So you'd rather be 100% undetectable when the spirit uses her power? Maybe the moving grass is a bit much, but without the rest there'd be no point in using her power.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited August 2019

    Yeah and this is why the Legion had dominated the red ranks... Oh wait... She hasen't!

    Some addons were op. But in return... Who ever had a problem with the Legion without addons... Serious, that guys should stop being lazy and watch at least some tutorial videos.

    Edit: The killrate of the Legion was even one of the worst killrates of all killers. Far as I remember. For some months, the devs had show a official statistic to that. Only 1 or 2 other killers had a killrate that was even worse as the one of the Legion, if I remember me correctly.

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    Humans have human abilities, they gain nothing from The Entity

    Killers in the entity realm, have supernatural abilities from The Entity

    Your whole argument right there was just pointless and flawed really easily

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    Incorrect. Following your logic, if the survivors were solely human and didn't gain any abilities from the entity then that means they would tire and die from falling from heights, both of which doesn't happen in Dead by Daylight.

    Your reply to my whole argument right there was just pointless and flawed really easily

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    So you solely followed my logic? Okay let's point out a few things.

    I point out the fact of how some things that the survivors are able to do is inhuman and does not make sense because of how it would work in reality, and with that I said that almost (not all) any games you find, there's always some sort of reality aspect to it, but I didn't say this game was entirely run by reality did I? No, just like how you assumed that I said that I shouldn't be able to break any pallets to catch someone when I clearly didn't even state that at all and after stating that you didn't bring it up again and of course the way you worded your sentence "Wow, complaining about vaulting a pallet? Just break it" So as a survivor I should not value a pallet and break it as a survivor?

    Going back to when I said that, this game follows some reality logic, but not entirely by it. If you were to look at the fall distance at some places, like off a hill or some mid-height places people can still land correctly if they did it right, of course the animation of how it shows the survivors falling off is not correct, but them stuttering and not be able to run or even move for a few seconds after falling is realistically right, especially from mid-height areas, but that doesn't mean that dead by daylight needs to go full realistic mode and if a Survivor jumps out of a window as high as one of the windows from red forest or haddonfield should be injured or die, there's games that contain game mechanics and realism mechanics and you usually find those in asymmetrical games because of balance reasons. The survivors are solely human, unless you want to look at them as half human half God (or immortal) or half human half demigod for some reason.

    And I never said it was my logic did I? Though I did get "my" logic from the lore of the game and understand it.

    So you assumed two things so far on me, thinks that the survivors in this game or half human and half immortal, ask a question to me that didn't make sense ("complaining about vaulting a pallet?) And now you blindly jumped into "my logic" and try to use it against me without thinking about?

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748
    edited August 2019

    Okay, frankly what you said is an assumption of what I meant.

    First off you were complaining that it wasn't realistic for a survivor to full on throw themselves over a pallet without any momentum to do so. I didn't say anything about you breaking a pallet as survivor, it's quite clearly obvious that breaking pallets is exclusive to killer so don't give me those sarcastic smart ass replies.

    Secondly, you said and I quote "Humans have human abilities, they gain nothing from the entity", false, as I mentioned above, the entity grants the survivor the ability to run endlessly without tiring and can fall from great heights without any injury.

    Post edited by ceridwen309 on
  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    There was nothing sarcastic about it, you worded your sentence that way, in a way that it wasn't executed in the way you wanted to sound like, what you should have said instead that would have made it more clear (and yes I understand what you meant to said but still) "Wow complaining about survivors vaulting a pallet? Just break it" but instead said "complaining about vaulting a pallet?" Which could reference anything, but in that case, people reading that could just assume that you are saying that I'm complaining about vaulting as a survivor and I should break the pallet or referring to me vaulting it in general.

    And also "humans have human abilities, they gain nothing from the entity" is not false, I don't know if you don't read my whole replies or something, but I have clearly stated several times in my past replies saying how that I know that this game isn't all based on reality logic did I not? The only things from what I know so far that the entity gave them is perks and pallets, and really the only other thing the entire gave them is aura reading, now of course going back to what I said earlier, I've should have stated saying survivors gain very little of anything from the entity, but still that can be seen as nothing.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    No, the entity gave them the ability to run endlessly without tiring and fall from great heights, there's always an answer as to why the video game parts are there, the reason survivors can do such things is because they are the only abilities the entity gave them.

    The entity gave them pallets and windows to defend themselves, indeed, but the entity also allowed them to run endlessly, never bleed out (when injured), heal without the knowledge or supplies, repair generators without the knowledge or supplies and fall from great heights.

    The entity gave killers abilities so they also gave survivors abilities to stand a chance. It's pretty easy to understand