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I had probably the worst gaming experience I have ever had on DBD

IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672
edited July 2018 in General Discussions

Ok, so let me set the scene. Coldwind farm; Torment Creek. I am Hillbilly I spend a couple of minutes searching around for a survivor and find one. Chase happens for a few mins and then I chainsaw her, IMMEDIATELY a survivor comes in with a flashlight and saves her with perfect timing. Ok so it's annoying but we ALL deal with flashlights so I shrug it off and get back to it. So I then find a different survivor, chase happens and I get her down by the cow tree ( the awful loop ). Pick her up, FLASHLIGHT, perfectly again. It was a different survivor with the flashlight this time. So at this point i'm thinking SWF so I get more nervous but push on. 3 of the survivors are around the cow tree and the killer shack, the two flashlight survivors are AMAZING at looping so I decide to fo for the weaker link, I chase her for a few mins, get her down and... you guesed it, FLASHLIGHT. So now i'm really getting annoyed, I try to go for the flashlight survivors again but to no avail because it would waste an EXTREME amount of time. While all this is going on btw i'm getting teabagged. So then I decide "ok i'll go away from here and they will follow me". They did and then I tried to get them again away from the really bad loops. Sprint burst. I chase them ALL the way back to the same location and the cycle continues. All the while, gens are getting done from the person that is not doing all this too me. So AGAIN I try to get someone down, again it is the weaker link, and again, FLASHLIGHT.

So at this point I am weighing up my options and decide this: I see literally NO path to victory in this game and so, I admit, I quit the match. Please understand i almost NEVER quit games no matter how bad they have gotten, but this was on another level. It was like a well-oiled machine that was perfectly flashlighting, perfectly coordinated and perfectly looping.

So after I quit I look at the perks: 4 DS, 2 flashlights with great add-ons and 4 sprint burst.

And then the messages started coming through. I won't write them ALL but here are a few:

" How are you rank 1 noob, go back to rank 20 "

"EZ" ( This was an Ochido fan just for context )


" Rank 1, wow "

So whether me rage quitting was right or wrong is a different topic of conversation, but my point with this post is that:

  1. I was in a situation with no clear path to ANY sort of victory
  2. I was against the most toxic team, and build I have EVER seen
  3. After all this, I'M the bad guy here

A team that tries to take the fun out of the game is nothing new to anyone i'm sure, but the reason they are like this is because they have the tools to be able to. The devs have given the survivors all the power and now this is the result of it.
I am livid and am fearful to even play the game now because of this crap.

I had to just get this off my chest because I have literally never seen anything quite like it in a game before, thank you for reading this rant


EDIT: Forgot to mention that I asked one of them if they were SWF, they said yes and gloated about it just for a little extra info here



  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @Runiver said:
    The only way would have been to try to eventually slug.
    But there's pretty much nothing you can do against this. If you pick up, you're wrong. If you don't, you're also wrong and usually waste too much time to be viable.

    The solution would have been to find a wall to stare, but in most coldwind map, you cannot, and even so, DS would have done the job and waste too much time and allow people to run in the cornfield.
    Not to mention SB makes everything overly safe against a chainsaw, and pushes the chase time by too much to make slugging attempts viable, for the most part.

    Yeah thank you for understanding man, I was worried I might get some hate for this post

  • crazycenobite
    crazycenobite Member Posts: 46
    This happens reque and move on
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    If you can't handle the toxicity long enough to report them for it, then just close the chat first chance you get and leave it closed for the duration of your session.

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @crazycenobite said:
    This happens reque and move on

    Well it shouldn't because it is simply unfund bullcrap when you have to deal with this

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @IronWolf115 said:

    @crazycenobite said:
    This happens reque and move on

    Well it shouldn't because it is simply unfund bullcrap when you have to deal with this

    Indeed, but until the devs start punishing any and all Survivors for playing like complete ######### #########, the only thing you can do is close the chat.

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @only1biggs said:
    You could have destroyed them if you played smarter. Did you see the flashlights in the lobby? Then you should have picked up facing walls or baited the pick up or slugged. You made the same mistake three times.

    If one had DS assume they all do and play accordingly. Drop them near hooks and if you carry the non obsession DS users, count to 6 and hook or do one dribble then hook, depending on where the nearest hook is. The obsession can just be slugged and played around.

    As a Billy you should be destroying teams like this if you play correctly and smart. I love going against these types as it's usually a guaranteed win.

    That being said, Torment Creek is an awful map and one of the worst. But, you could have and should have killed them all.

    Uh, no. I cant pick them up near walls because they are being told " Don't die near walls"
    So that then means I cant do anything about DS becasue they don't even need to use DS
    And I don't know what drugs youj are on, but NO killer can deal with this crap

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @Orion said:

    @IronWolf115 said:

    @crazycenobite said:
    This happens reque and move on

    Well it shouldn't because it is simply unfund bullcrap when you have to deal with this

    Indeed, but until the devs start punishing any and all Survivors for playing like complete [BAD WORD] #########, the only thing you can do is close the chat.

    I mean I had heard the horror stories but had been lucky enough not to experience it until now. And I NEVER want to experience it again

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @IronWolf115 said:

    @only1biggs said:
    You could have destroyed them if you played smarter. Did you see the flashlights in the lobby? Then you should have picked up facing walls or baited the pick up or slugged. You made the same mistake three times.

    If one had DS assume they all do and play accordingly. Drop them near hooks and if you carry the non obsession DS users, count to 6 and hook or do one dribble then hook, depending on where the nearest hook is. The obsession can just be slugged and played around.

    As a Billy you should be destroying teams like this if you play correctly and smart. I love going against these types as it's usually a guaranteed win.

    That being said, Torment Creek is an awful map and one of the worst. But, you could have and should have killed them all.

    Uh, no. I cant pick them up near walls because they are being told " Don't die near walls"
    So that then means I cant do anything about DS becasue they don't even need to use DS
    And I don't know what drugs youj are on, but NO killer can deal with this crap

    Did you read anything else I said? Slug them and/or bait the pick up, turn and down more. You have ways to play around their nonsense.

    I and many others can deal with it because we learn and get better.

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @only1biggs said:

    @IronWolf115 said:

    @only1biggs said:
    You could have destroyed them if you played smarter. Did you see the flashlights in the lobby? Then you should have picked up facing walls or baited the pick up or slugged. You made the same mistake three times.

    If one had DS assume they all do and play accordingly. Drop them near hooks and if you carry the non obsession DS users, count to 6 and hook or do one dribble then hook, depending on where the nearest hook is. The obsession can just be slugged and played around.

    As a Billy you should be destroying teams like this if you play correctly and smart. I love going against these types as it's usually a guaranteed win.

    That being said, Torment Creek is an awful map and one of the worst. But, you could have and should have killed them all.

    Uh, no. I cant pick them up near walls because they are being told " Don't die near walls"
    So that then means I cant do anything about DS becasue they don't even need to use DS
    And I don't know what drugs youj are on, but NO killer can deal with this crap

    Did you read anything else I said? Slug them and/or bait the pick up, turn and down more. You have ways to play around their nonsense.

    I and many others can deal with it because we learn and get better.

    And did you read anything I said? They were godlike loopers so I could barely even keep up with them, and I DID try to bait, it didn't work

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @White_Owl said:
    In that case slugging would have been the smartest choice. If you can't get the weakest one, use him as bait to get the others. Once you manage to down or hook the guys with flashlights their strategy crumbles. Not saying it's easy, but it's possible to face a team like that.
    Honestly though, the ragequit is justified by the 4x SB and 4x DS. It hurts just reading about that.

    Oh god yeah.

    Hurts even more playing it lol

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Have you tried playing with Freddy? Flashlights can´t do much to him, unless the flashlight users are in the dreamworld. Freddy is weaker than Billy, but since no one uses him on high rank, survivors don´t know how to react to him.

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @Tsulan said:
    Have you tried playing with Freddy? Flashlights can´t do much to him, unless the flashlight users are in the dreamworld. Freddy is weaker than Billy, but since no one uses him on high rank, survivors don´t know how to react to him.

    I understand where you are coming from, but Freddy is just far to weak ( right now at least ) to to much of anything. Tbh even if freddy would have helped the flashlight situation, it would have made the looping situation worse

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @IronWolf115 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Have you tried playing with Freddy? Flashlights can´t do much to him, unless the flashlight users are in the dreamworld. Freddy is weaker than Billy, but since no one uses him on high rank, survivors don´t know how to react to him.

    I understand where you are coming from, but Freddy is just far to weak ( right now at least ) to to much of anything. Tbh even if freddy would have helped the flashlight situation, it would have made the looping situation worse

    Freddy requires a different approach. With him you can do hit and run attacks. Use M&A, hit them and leave. Since they are still in the dreamworld, you can track them easily and see when they stop to heal or someone tries to wake them up. That´s the moment to strike.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @IronWolf115 said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @IronWolf115 said:

    @only1biggs said:
    You could have destroyed them if you played smarter. Did you see the flashlights in the lobby? Then you should have picked up facing walls or baited the pick up or slugged. You made the same mistake three times.

    If one had DS assume they all do and play accordingly. Drop them near hooks and if you carry the non obsession DS users, count to 6 and hook or do one dribble then hook, depending on where the nearest hook is. The obsession can just be slugged and played around.

    As a Billy you should be destroying teams like this if you play correctly and smart. I love going against these types as it's usually a guaranteed win.

    That being said, Torment Creek is an awful map and one of the worst. But, you could have and should have killed them all.

    Uh, no. I cant pick them up near walls because they are being told " Don't die near walls"
    So that then means I cant do anything about DS becasue they don't even need to use DS
    And I don't know what drugs youj are on, but NO killer can deal with this crap

    Did you read anything else I said? Slug them and/or bait the pick up, turn and down more. You have ways to play around their nonsense.

    I and many others can deal with it because we learn and get better.

    And did you read anything I said? They were godlike loopers so I could barely even keep up with them, and I DID try to bait, it didn't work

    I did and you made mistakes. Just slug them then, which is another option I gave you, which Owl just mentioned. You seem to have read his comment and not become defensive...apologies if I came across rude. Just trying to help. You were Billy. You should have destroyed them. If you feel like you couldn't then they were just better than you, but you always have options to play around flashlight users and DS users, thinking that you don't is the first mistake. Don't let it get to you.

  • Aknoton
    Aknoton Member Posts: 30

    @IronWolf115 said:
    I am livid and am fearful to even play the game now because of this crap.

    You can easily avoid such kind of games. Just look at the players in lobby, if they have more then 2 flashlights you can leave and wait for the next wave. Or you can take some usefull perks, like "Lightborn" or/and "Franklin's demise". Personally, I rarely have such a problem, because in most cases the survivors fall next to some walls or obstacles (because you know, pallet loop). So I can just bury my face in the wall and safely grab the player.

  • Fluffy
    Fluffy Member Posts: 48
    edited July 2018

    Good players can flash even oput of dream state because they know where you facing from the position of the survivor you pick up. But in most cases, they don't have a clue. Worse at some times there was a bug for him that made you unflashable! Experienced it a lot: people were flashing me, they had the points for it, but my screen was not full white, i could see them.

    like many others said, it's a ######### game but games like that tend to end bad for them.
    You'll learn from your mistakes. I did. i had one pretty bad game like this one... then i adapted. Now, i rekt those groups. One gets to survive at best but mostly, all die.
    For me the bad games are those were gens are rushed not those where dumbasses run around me ^^

    When you get 2 flashlights or more, either you can slug them and if you can't use Franklyn, or get them down near a wall. If they loop, they are near an obstacle.

    These games are just less fun because you almost don't need to search for them, they come to you.

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @Aknoton said:

    @IronWolf115 said:
    I am livid and am fearful to even play the game now because of this crap.

    You can easily avoid such kind of games. Just look at the players in lobby, if they have more then 2 flashlights you can leave and wait for the next wave. Or you can take some usefull perks, like "Lightborn" or/and "Franklin's demise". Personally, I rarely have such a problem, because in most cases the survivors fall next to some walls or obstacles (because you know, pallet loop). So I can just bury my face in the wall and safely grab the player.

    Well this is what i'm saying though, it was SWF and they were told to not go down near walls so that was not really an option

  • Fluffy
    Fluffy Member Posts: 48

    When they go diown is not their choice... it's your!
    Wait for the right moment, then hit! That's what i do for obsession, i wait for him to be next to a hook so i can dribble him

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    I mean the theme I am seeing here is that this is a common occurence for people. That is my point for all of this, these kind of games simply should not be possible for EITHER side. I wouldn't want a killer to be able to eviscerate a survivor team at will either, all I want is a fun back and forth in the game where it is a tense fun experience for both sides. But this is NOT fun at all, this is just plain and simple: This team purposely decides to make this game unfun for me, and other people out there which is ridiculous that this is the state of balance in the game

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @Fluffy said:
    When they go diown is not their choice... it's your!
    Wait for the right moment, then hit! That's what i do for obsession, i wait for him to be next to a hook so i can dribble him

    I disagree. Survivors if they want to can have full control of the flow of a game. They go down if they make mistakes, this team didn't, thus they completely had the power in what was going on.
    Survivors are the supposed " weaker role " in the game. This is simply not the case

  • Fluffy
    Fluffy Member Posts: 48

    Sorry to disagree, but you made mistakes in the heat of the moment.
    i did too. i watched several times the game where they absused me and learned from it what i could have done better. Then i learned more and more from their tries. But i never had a game were they abused me and all 4 escaped. At the best, one could escape (by hiding while his buddy bled out, or because his buddy suicided on the hook for him to leave).
    I don't even use special builds for them, i just stick with: ruin, thrill of the hunt, bbq and last one depends on the moment or killer. And even with this build some don't care about ruin and just use thrill of the hunt to bait you into checking your totems

    When you are chasing an injured survivor, you can chose the moment yo get him down.
    As i said in this useful and (mostly funny) guide, survivors have the upper hand until they are knocked down. Killers have some tools to mess with them. You just need to gather up your thoughts and play it calm. Once you start to get frustrated, mistakes come faster.

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    Oh I understand mistakes. I also understand that a mistake as a killer should not be the difference between winning and losing, which it is.
    Survivors can make a mistake and it usually has very little impact on their progress.
    If a killer makes a mistake, such as picking someone up while there is a flashlight person around, that moment right there can literally be the moment that the killer loses

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @Master said:

    @IronWolf115 said:
    Ok, so let me set the scene. Coldwind farm; Torment Creek. I am Hillbilly I spend a couple of minutes searching around for a survivor and find one. Chase happens for a few mins and then I chainsaw her, IMMEDIATELY a survivor comes in with a flashlight and saves her with perfect timing. Ok so it's annoying but we ALL deal with flashlights so I shrug it off and get back to it. So I then find a different survivor, chase happens and I get her down by the cow tree ( the awful loop ). Pick her up, FLASHLIGHT, perfectly again. It was a different survivor with the flashlight this time. So at this point i'm thinking SWF so I get more nervous but push on. 3 of the survivors are around the cow tree and the killer shack, the two flashlight survivors are AMAZING at looping so I decide to fo for the weaker link, I chase her for a few mins, get her down and... you guesed it, FLASHLIGHT. So now i'm really getting annoyed, I try to go for the flashlight survivors again but to no avail because it would waste an EXTREME amount of time. While all this is going on btw i'm getting teabagged. So then I decide "ok i'll go away from here and they will follow me". They did and then I tried to get them again away from the really bad loops. Sprint burst. I chase them ALL the way back to the same location and the cycle continues. All the while, gens are getting done from the person that is not doing all this too me. So AGAIN I try to get someone down, again it is the weaker link, and again, FLASHLIGHT.

    So at this point I am weighing up my options and decide this: I see literally NO path to victory in this game and so, I admit, I quit the match. Please understand i almost NEVER quit games no matter how bad they have gotten, but this was on another level. It was like a well-oiled machine that was perfectly flashlighting, perfectly coordinated and perfectly looping.

    So after I quit I look at the perks: 4 DS, 2 flashlights with great add-ons and 4 sprint burst.

    And then the messages started coming through. I won't write them ALL but here are a few:

    " How are you rank 1 noob, go back to rank 20 "

    "EZ" ( This was an Ochido fan just for context )


    " Rank 1, wow "

    So whether me rage quitting was right or wrong is a different topic of conversation, but my point with this post is that:

    1. I was in a situation with no clear path to ANY sort of victory
    2. I was against the most toxic team, and build I have EVER seen
    3. After all this, I'M the bad guy here

    A team that tries to take the fun out of the game is nothing new to anyone i'm sure, but the reason they are like this is because they have the tools to be able to. The devs have given the survivors all the power and now this is the result of it.
    I am livid and am fearful to even play the game now because of this crap.

    I had to just get this off my chest because I have literally never seen anything quite like it in a game before, thank you for reading this rant


    EDIT: Forgot to mention that I asked one of them if they were SWF, they said yes and gloated about it just for a little extra info here

    this is why you dont rank up as killer, there is literally no reason to go through this

    Oh I certainly will be reconsidering my position after rank reset this week

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Worst part is even if you play in medium lower ranks players like ochido deliberately have alt accounts to fk with the ranks system so you will get matched with them. Was looking at his videos recently to get a handle on how his kind play and I noticed his rank was 20 with the rest of his friends having a scattered ranks. The map you mentioned is the worst and is probably the main reason for defeat even players like true talent struggle on that map. If you want to get revenge pick up nurse. We all are going to have to if it means sending a message to the devs that we aren't playing the loop game.

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @Zarathos said:
    Worst part is even if you play in medium lower ranks players like ochido deliberately have alt accounts to fk with the ranks system so you will get matched with them. Was looking at his videos recently to get a handle on how his kind play and I noticed his rank was 20 with the rest of his friends having a scattered ranks. The map you mentioned is the worst and is probably the main reason for defeat even players like true talent struggle on that map. If you want to get revenge pick up nurse. We all are going to have to if it means sending a message to the devs that we aren't playing the loop game.

    Yeah, I actually don't play Nurse right now but I am SERIOUSLY considering learning her when rank reset happens. It's just really bad that it has to be this mentality of " Really good survivors means I have to play Nurse "

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @ZombieGenesis said:

    @crazycenobite said:
    This happens reque and move on

    This quote saddens me. That it's said and that it's said with such a casual tone because this is just expected. Killers get bullied on a regular basis. Playing killer just is not fun. Especially at higher levels. Survivors have just too many tools to abuse killers and too many second chances to both avoid being downed and to make being downed irrelevant.

    But killers have BBQ and Chili, right?

    Couldn't agree more.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Zarathos said:
    Worst part is even if you play in medium lower ranks players like ochido deliberately have alt accounts to fk with the ranks system so you will get matched with them. Was looking at his videos recently to get a handle on how his kind play and I noticed his rank was 20 with the rest of his friends having a scattered ranks. The map you mentioned is the worst and is probably the main reason for defeat even players like true talent struggle on that map. If you want to get revenge pick up nurse. We all are going to have to if it means sending a message to the devs that we aren't playing the loop game.

    You dont need alt accounts for that. Just play SWF with a single low rank and you can bully low rank killers, just say thanks to the devs for enabling this

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    @Fluffy said:
    Sorry to disagree, but you made mistakes in the heat of the moment.
    i did too. i watched several times the game where they absused me and learned from it what i could have done better. Then i learned more and more from their tries. But i never had a game were they abused me and all 4 escaped. At the best, one could escape (by hiding while his buddy bled out, or because his buddy suicided on the hook for him to leave).
    I don't even use special builds for them, i just stick with: ruin, thrill of the hunt, bbq and last one depends on the moment or killer. And even with this build some don't care about ruin and just use thrill of the hunt to bait you into checking your totems

    When you are chasing an injured survivor, you can chose the moment yo get him down.
    As i said in this useful and (mostly funny) guide, survivors have the upper hand until they are knocked down. Killers have some tools to mess with them. You just need to gather up your thoughts and play it calm. Once you start to get frustrated, mistakes come faster.

    Except if you were reading the situation you see it was unwinnable because even when there down their is always ds. If you think you can win a game against survivor playing optimally go watch a depip squad video you'll quickly learn communication shuts down any advantage you may have as a killer. You might be lucky to salvage a kill at best but with body blocking plus ds its just not gonna happen. The situation he mentions is unwinnable. The tree area he mentions is blatantly bad map design and you say that a team with sprint bursts and ds'es wont somehow always make it back their. Your right about mistakes coming faster with frustration but you can't honestly tell us that practice is gonna be enough to fix these kinda scenarios.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @ZombieGenesis said:

    @crazycenobite said:
    This happens reque and move on

    This quote saddens me. That it's said and that it's said with such a casual tone because this is just expected. Killers get bullied on a regular basis. Playing killer just is not fun. Especially at higher levels. Survivors have just too many tools to abuse killers and too many second chances to both avoid being downed and to make being downed irrelevant.

    But killers have BBQ and Chili, right?

    Just had a game with some toxic shitheads with DS and flashlights, literally got my first hook after 4 gens had been done and ruin gone.

    Any survivor passing my way will regret it now

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @IronWolf115 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Have you tried playing with Freddy? Flashlights can´t do much to him, unless the flashlight users are in the dreamworld. Freddy is weaker than Billy, but since no one uses him on high rank, survivors don´t know how to react to him.

    I understand where you are coming from, but Freddy is just far to weak ( right now at least ) to to much of anything. Tbh even if freddy would have helped the flashlight situation, it would have made the looping situation worse

    Freddy's well payed at high ranks those in 5-1 are disgusting and get 4 sac's every game, the same is true for good Hags.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @powerbats said:

    @IronWolf115 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Have you tried playing with Freddy? Flashlights can´t do much to him, unless the flashlight users are in the dreamworld. Freddy is weaker than Billy, but since no one uses him on high rank, survivors don´t know how to react to him.

    I understand where you are coming from, but Freddy is just far to weak ( right now at least ) to to much of anything. Tbh even if freddy would have helped the flashlight situation, it would have made the looping situation worse

    Freddy's well payed at high ranks those in 5-1 are disgusting and get 4 sac's every game, the same is true for good Hags.

    What? please provide footage of that, I want to learn how to be such a good hag

  • chefdave12118
    chefdave12118 Member Posts: 193
    DS and flashlight batteries eventually run out . This happened to me when I first started playing (I didn't even understand what object of obsession was yet). I didn't know looking in the wall trick, slugging or anything. Just been playing for a month or so. I refused to quit until all 4 we're dead or out the gate. They all died. 
  • Caffeine
    Caffeine Member Posts: 83

    This is how I earned my fast-track ticket to Hell.

    I run Franklin's Demise (AKA Flashlight's Demise) and BBQ on most of the killers that I play.

    If you see people queuing with a bunch of flashlights or tools; it might be a good thing to bring. Or if it looks like you might be in a SWF group (esp. same tags, themed nicknames, etc that give it away).

    A good old slap to knock the flashlight TF out of their hand will make someone else that much more unlikely to rush in. And if they do, start blindly swinging that away, too.

    You'll turn it from an "I got stunned all game" to "I got pallet looped the entire game"; but at least they'll be panicking and feeling naked without their little asshat-lights

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    Tries to use 1 as bait
    Baiter tells team he is being used for Bait
    Gets all Gens, leaves, teabages, insults etc


    Bait gets healed
    Surv comes gets the heal up
    The Bait gets away with SB
    The baited goes down
    He gets blinded
    Game continues

    With how perfectly these guys were playing. His chance of victory was so, so small. As an asymmetrical game, even a Meh killer should get one kill. Alas, they probably had Borrowed Time too. And then if he downed them before they reached the gates - FLASHLIGHT GG EZ LOSER.

    People who go in knowing they can destroy then bully afterwords makes me wish that whole Bullyhunters thing actually worked...

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @ZombieGenesis said:

    @powerbats said:

    Freddy's well payed at high ranks those in 5-1 are disgusting and get 4 sac's every game, the same is true for good Hags.

    Basing this off of streamer highlight reels posted to YouTube no doubt.

    Wrong, playing against high ranked killers who were playing Freddy and Hag during dbl bp weekend. But go ahead and try another failed insult attempt.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178
    edited July 2018

    My god, so many killers unwilling to learn from their mistakes. It's sad.

    It's a game. If you make mistakes you will lose. Survivors have more outs, but there are counter plays (with the exception of a couple of perks and 4% hook escapes).

    If you just put on blinders and wave away advice you deserve to get bullied instead of learning and then winning.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited July 2018

    @chefdave12118 said:
    DS and flashlight batteries eventually run out . This happened to me when I first started playing (I didn't even understand what object of obsession was yet). I didn't know looking in the wall trick, slugging or anything. Just been playing for a month or so. I refused to quit until all 4 we're dead or out the gate. They all died. 

    Flashlights will never run out, dont fool yourself..... its literally 20+ sec time of use or sth like that and they can bring 4.... just a joke if you do some math. This literally means that it is possibel that a flashlight is shined in your face for 25% of a 5 minute game, seems balanced? :wink:

    Post edited by Master on
  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    Like others have said, you needed to slug that game to have any chance at all.

    Just so you know though, Torment Creek is one of the absolute WORST killer maps in the game, so vsing good players on it you're basically gonna lose 90% of the time if you're not Nurse.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Pick the survivors up from an angle which obscures the flashlight beam. A good trick is to make it look like you're picking them up turn around, wait a few secs and then charge at anyone you see with a flashlight going for the save. Don't be afraid to be counter toxic because survivors like this already have all the cards.
  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Master said:

    @chefdave12118 said:
    DS and flashlight batteries eventually run out . This happened to me when I first started playing (I didn't even understand what object of obsession was yet). I didn't know looking in the wall trick, slugging or anything. Just been playing for a month or so. I refused to quit until all 4 we're dead or out the gate. They all died. 

    Flashlights will never run out, dont fool yourself..... its literally 20+ sec time of use or sth like that and they can bring 4.... just a joke if you do some math. This literally means that it is possibel that a flashlight is shined in your face for 25% of a 5 minute game, seems balanced? :wink:

    If you allow it to be, sure. What, you just let them make saves instead of baiting the pick up and keeping them slugged? Jesus SHM

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @only1biggs said:

    @Master said:

    @chefdave12118 said:
    DS and flashlight batteries eventually run out . This happened to me when I first started playing (I didn't even understand what object of obsession was yet). I didn't know looking in the wall trick, slugging or anything. Just been playing for a month or so. I refused to quit until all 4 we're dead or out the gate. They all died. 

    Flashlights will never run out, dont fool yourself..... its literally 20+ sec time of use or sth like that and they can bring 4.... just a joke if you do some math. This literally means that it is possibel that a flashlight is shined in your face for 25% of a 5 minute game, seems balanced? :wink:

    If you allow it to be, sure. What, you just let them make saves instead of baiting the pick up and keeping them slugged? Jesus SHM

    Have you ever played against a competent SWF? I am starting to doubt that

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Master said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Master said:

    @chefdave12118 said:
    DS and flashlight batteries eventually run out . This happened to me when I first started playing (I didn't even understand what object of obsession was yet). I didn't know looking in the wall trick, slugging or anything. Just been playing for a month or so. I refused to quit until all 4 we're dead or out the gate. They all died. 

    Flashlights will never run out, dont fool yourself..... its literally 20+ sec time of use or sth like that and they can bring 4.... just a joke if you do some math. This literally means that it is possibel that a flashlight is shined in your face for 25% of a 5 minute game, seems balanced? :wink:

    If you allow it to be, sure. What, you just let them make saves instead of baiting the pick up and keeping them slugged? Jesus SHM

    Have you ever played against a competent SWF? I am starting to doubt that

    I have, yes. Many times.

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    edited July 2018
    Honestly what annoys me isnt the flashlights or teabags, it’s the fact they brought 4 ds’ and 4 sb and then have the gall to talk #########. Like you weren’t even confident enough in your own abilities to survive so you needed a full swf AND for everyone to have ds and sb smh my god survivors like that upset me so much
    Post edited by ThePloopz on
  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @ThePloopz said:
    Honestly what annoys me isnt the flashlights or teabags, it’s the fact the brought 4 ds’ and 4 sb and then have the gall to talk #########. Like you weren’t even confident enough in your own abilities to survive so you needed a full swf AND for everyone to have ds and sb smh my god survivors like that upset me so much

    Yeah, that mentality is always funny. I once got called a try hard by a survivor running SB Urban DS SC. I lol'd

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 604
    But this doesnt happen all the time though, fortunately.

    Just ignore these people and move on. Have a laugh too while youre at - some of the messages they send sometimes are just too funny

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    Just get rid of the flashlights! I hate those and I'm a survivor main. They become weapons to annoy and bully the killer. Looping I'm okay with but those flashlights ugh. When I see a survivor taunt the killer best believe I ain't saving them. Nope. That is just trash play and no fun at all.