Dear devs..why have you guys been radio silent on plague and ghost face..?

Plague has been a debate over weather shes absolutely terrible or undervalued..her hook pressure is very weak and so her map presence suffers as a result and her power isnt as in her control as I feel it should be, plus last we checked her performance stats were 2nd worst on both consoles and 3rd worst on pc... has something changed? I ask because you stopped mentioning her after that when you said you'll be keeping an eye on her
The change made to ghost face has made him quite hard to maximize his effectiveness but we have no idea if it's due to a bug or if you guys made the reveal radious so large it was insane..I hope this wasnt intended to be this way..but if it is a bug, why is it happening now and not before..? I dont hardly even see ghost face anymore no matter my rank
Surely these two are asked about? Is there any info you can share..?
Best Answer
Ghost Face is in a pretty good spot. There's some edge cases we'd like to iron out (cases where you can't reveal him when you probably should be able to, cases where you can reveal him when you probably shouldn't be able to), but overall he's performing pretty well.
The Plague is still being monitored. We don't have anything to announce just yet. We've got a long list of killers that we're planning to look at. We need to weigh our options and figure out what's the most important thing to change first. Right now, that's an add-on pass for the Nurse. Who knows what the future will hold.
It's not a matter of being radio silent, we just don't have anything to announce yet. There's only so much we can do at once.
How can Plague have little hook pressure, if almost every game, everybody is broken?
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It doesnt matter..broken ok makes sense..but if they insta heal , she is only able to have some hook pressure if you dont infect someone you took down with purge or which point shes just old freddy if you dont have corrupt
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The Plague is a study in killer build and mind games. She's fast, ranged, and ment to herd and corner. The issue, I feel, isn't in her power, but her perks. They don't do her any real justice. Same with Ghost Face. They're great to mix with other perks, but as a base kit, they just don't support the powers the way they should.
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I'm more concerned with ghost face having a crippling disadvantage he shouldnt have and plagues power is in survivors hands but the cost to them isnt very bad
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Survivors being control of the Killer's power is not a good idea, hopefully these past two Killers have made that clear. Plague rarely gets her 2nd ability unless she forces it and Ghostface is crippled by good teams, it's bad design.
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Kind of my thoughts in it as well..but I know the devs are capable of doing something..I just want to know their thoughts compared to mine
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Ghostface is fine. The detection has to be more reliable. Sometimes you cant spot him right in your face, and sometimes you spot him throug walls. Thats why people dont really want to play him.
For plague i agree. She needs something. Just the one shot isnt enough without a power to do at least something. The Devs are working on a lot of things right now, and this is probably why they can't also be focused on the newer killer. I want to trust them this year and hope for the best. The roadmap is good. We can just hope they communicate more with us
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Aside from gf I agree..I just strongly dislike how safe survivors get to be when revealing him...seems really wrong for the already super strong camera to be able to strip killers of their power so easily
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If a killer gets crippled by a good team then the killer needs to improve.
Sorry that you think losing to a good team is "bad design"
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Lol this message tells me all I need to know about you
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Plague only needs a few small tweaks to be way better. The main thing is that being sick needs to have some other drawback to encourage survivors at higher ranks to cleanse so she can get Corrupt Purge. Making apple baseline would also have the same effect. And Iri Seal needs to have the drawbacks removed. Do all that and she could easily be top tier.
GF is really good, I imagine the break out issues are more bug related than mechanical. Sometimes a survivor can break stalk from behind a wall. Sometimes they can be standing right in front of you staring in your face and nothing happens. It's very inconsistent. Fix that and all would be fine. He's actually a very strong killer if you know what you are doing with him.
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Maybe it's just me, but they seem to be doing just fine at red ranks. Wonder why.
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I'll admit I've been playing a lot of ghost face to get him perks and I must say..the cheeky mind games I cake up with have worked very well, even fooled someone to drop God pallet by crouching and going around the opposite way they did it was hilarious , abs his crouches help and jungle gyms as well, hence why I said I cant really say how good or bad he is until he stops getting broken out through walls
Also you and I have the very same idea on plague in that regard
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Ghost face may be just fine after he stops getting revealed through cover, as for plague her power is not hers to control and the cost for holding it from her on survivors isnt anything that'll cost them too much , plus her hook pressure isnt good from how her power is designed so she needs to be a strong chaser like huntress to make up for it..hence why I'm wondering despite the stats saying shes doing poor why the devs haven't mentioned her in months
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One thing I do is if I'm chasing a survivor and trying to stalk then they break stalk where it's almost done, I'll just start teabagging. The survivor will usually think I'm meming but I'm really just waiting for my power to recharge to tap stalk and one shot them. It works more often than you think. The catch is you need to be using recovery add-ons to get value from it, otherwise it takes too much time.
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Yeah the recovery addons are the best ones I feel, though the driver's license is pretty nice too
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I avoid over-using purple/pink add-ons, I'll keep them for specific builds. DL is really good, probably his best add-on tied with the purple lens one. But I go recovery + stalk speed usually.
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I currently am enjoying the combo of olsens address book and the telephoto lense
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Honestly, I wouldn't mind if Plague would be really weak. The issue I have with her is that she is soooo daaamn booooring to play as when you go against survivors doing the no cleanse meta. U can't use your m2 at all which the whole fun of her. She becomes an basic M1 killer which is just boring. So idc how much stronger she gets, I wouldn't play her anyway till she becomes fun.
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No fun playing killer jogging track simulator, it's why I like nurse, it's fun flying around and scaring people lol
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Answer? They havent been. They just dont have the answers people want to hear, so they structure what is in the works as a cohesive presentation before responding to every single whining post about it.
If every post is "why cant GF be immune to people revealing him", and they feel that wont be changed, or have no plans or initiative to change that aspect, why would they continually get on and say, "hey, that's not gonna happen, we dont think those changes are ever going into effect, its not what we have planned". Especially considering theres dozens of repeat posts and questions EVERY DAY on things that dont matter, or have even been said will not happen.
Example: "When will we get Jeepers Creepers".
Know why they dont answer that every time its asked? Because people will still ask, despite being told no.
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Theres a big difference to a post about noed to a post simply asking what happened in regards to plague and ghost face not being mentioned in a while , yet legion gets mentioned every time they talk about changes and understandably people wanna see him improved but I havent seen any posts recently like mine else I wouldnt have made mine..I simply wish to TRY and get some answers..
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Op doesn't understand how to really play Plague or what perks best fit her.
To play Plague you basically need a Gen slow down build because survivors are going to be broken throughout the entire match because no one wants to cleanse and give her corrupt, which is good for her because everyone is one shot and the objective is to force them to cleanse or get downed quick and easy.
Her only problem will be pallets, so you can use Brutal Strength to help on that part.
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Didnt realize you knew me so well -_- why not ask me instead of making statements like you know something you dont
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Right, and I'm not saying you shouldnt want answers, I'm simply explaining why I believe they wont mention every possible change or idea every chance they get. Even if people keep asking. If they dont have anything to tell us, having a stream every week end with, " and we have no news about plague, GF, NOED, MoM, door placement, this, that, and the other, for you this week, again, for the 4th time in a row."
It would be wasted breath that only incites those who are already impatient or frustrated about what they see to be "major issues" not being dealt with. It would be a weekly riling up of the playerbase.
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Yet this kind of silence makes it feel like they dont seek to improve these things , I hate to be so cynical but..the last two killers everyone was like " oo, could these be a good- oh...nerfs..never mind..." at least everyone knew legion was terrible from the get to just let them flounder with no regards as to how they felt the results were just seems like a slap to the face..and now they're tinkering with nurse..? Bluntly put I'm tired of just trusting they'll do the right thing...tired of trying to defend them but then get ignored...sorry kind of ranted there a moment..I'm frustrated
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Neither Ghostface or Plague are bad enough to warrant immediate changes. In fact, I'd argue they're both in the upper half of killers power-wise, or one spot below.
In a game where we have edge cases such as Nurse, Trapper, Doctor... and the list goes on, it'd be silly from them to focus on GF or Plague if they have limited resources and staff to do those things.
This is why not every feedback is good feedback.
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Well now...I'd say that covered it..thank you truley..though since your here..please..take this with you...I nurse..shes the queen holding this kingdom of horrors up with her I'll say it bluntly..extra blinks? Die in holy fire, just..please be careful..I like to think just as I fell in love with nurse's design even when i knew nothing of this game, you guys must love her too..made a whole post about her being the anchor and I stand by my 3 killer pillars..i know you guys can give her some awesome things..all I try not to throw out her best setups..other than that .....
Please give me new doc addons/0_0/ lol thanks again, and let's try to make this game patch at a time
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Ghost Face needs a shorter cooldown at base, Object of Obsession not working against him ( which will happen soon ) and his revealing mechanics needs to be fixed.
Plague might need some small tweaks, but she's fine for the most part. Some of her add-ons ( Corrupt Purge duration and Iridescent Seal ) needs buffs and a 5% Hindered Status Effect for broken survivors would make the "no cleansing meta" much more risky, but without being "too overpowered". But Plague can be very powerful with the right build, like with Black Incense she's almost top tier.
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Honestly I'm still on the fence on plague..and it seems the devs share that sentiment
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Hmm..the plague suggestion isnt bad
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I like playing him because I don't always get a streak of crazy hard teams but this is something some of the best killer players out there agree with. You can't even utilize his ability at all with some teams because shortly after activating it somebody you can't see will pop you out of it. You're forced into a strictly M1 position and that's a losing battle with efficient teams. You take turns with a few people running around breaking every pallet on the map and before you know it the gens are done. You're forced to play dirty to get maybe one kill but BT and DS will likely make that difficult as well. Even if you get some end game kills you'll probably still depip anyway.
Either people know something a lot if us don't when it comes to playing him at red ranks or they just often get lucky with boosted players in their region. I'm open to the former as a possibility because I don't have as much time to play as other people and people with tons of time as killer could still be wrong about him but I dunno. I don't have a problem with a hard loss. It's just that it seems like he simply isnt equipped to handle teams like that.
The eventual map reworks should solve the problem with all M1 killers hopefully though.
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Oh goodness. The Plague is one of the easiest characters to apply pressure in this game. You just might not be good with her.
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They are radio silent cause BHVR has no interest in fixing the game or for that matter even shaking the meta, in fact i think BHVR enforces it so they have to spend less money on resources doing that and its way cheaper long term.
Look at the PTB archives, specifically the 2.7.0 where they nerfed Legion to far, ignored all feedback and THEN WENT AHEAD TO NERF HIM FURTHER DESPITE EVERYONE TELLING THEM OTHERWISE.
Same for Plague too.
Sorry BHVR but as long as you don't show that you actively listen instead of giving press officer 101 responses i will not give you any benefit of the doubt anymore and treat any claim that you do listen as blatant lies.
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Yeah, that I'm one of the few people on this forums that states that good teamwork is a good counter to a good killer.
Sorry you think "this is all I need to know about you"
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True, when against the Plague the survivors always have a weakness, either they're permanently broken or they give Plague her discount Huntress ability (and funilly enough like the hatchet hitboxes, they are completely wack sometimes).
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You clearly dont know what I mean
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Yet you clearly miss the entire point of what I said...soo..yeah
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@Chaddad2169 Your opinion is very close minded to not see what I'm saying. A good team against Ghostface can cripple his actual stealth ability as in constantly watch him and break him out. That's bad design that the Devs did not think of, it's bad design to give the players a hand in turning off the Killer's power. It is bad design to give the Power role a huge weakness to the number role turning them into the Power role with the flip of a switch because that Killer suddenly has no ability to help them in that match anymore.
I'm not complaining that I'm bad at the game, I know I need practice, I'm complaining about the design which you failed to understand. Everyone knows this, why don't you?
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You feel she doesn't have hook pressure unless you don't make people sick because the heal from the water sources takes away the concern of rushing to grab someone from the hook. Correct?
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Not the hook itself..the fact that no matter what..if you use your power theres no injury downtime u less its corrupt purge..considering hook pressure is the most important to killers I find this odd
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tbh, Ghostface should get a part of his power back whenever he downs a marked survivor, so he could go back into stealth by the time he hooks the marked survivor, currently you'll WANT the survivor you're currently chasing to reveal you so your power would start recovering sooner cause you'll most likely down that survivor anyway.
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What do you mean by "injury downtime" in that context?
I really enjoy how her power makes people have to run away from each other and divide up while ignoring gens to recover from being sick and becoming a "1 hit down".
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The time used to heal and not be on is really important and plague doesnt have it
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I also play killer so I understand what is important for a killer to have fun and be successful. And I don't see how there isn't injury downtime.
It's built into her power. Her power is all about pausing people from doing their goal and recovering.
It is important to not do gens, or you infect the other players working on that gen, or infect the gen which adds a new way to spread the exposed status effect.
Instead of injuring one person, you give someone a status effect that makes them go down in one hit, and they can spread that status effect if hey interact with others or with objects.
That's WAY better then hitting a single survivor if you know how to corral survivors, and still causes the effect your referring to.
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Sometimes you can't improve, its called a skill ceiling.
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But not the healing down it limits her builds a little
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Then it's just the way the game is, sometimes a killer wins by good gameplay and sometimes a good survivor team wins by good gameplay.
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Because it makes you run around the map, to very specific locations that the killer can see illuminated. and once a survivor uses that fountain, the plague gets a warning of where that survivor is on the map because the fountain turns red. And then you can drink from the fountain and hit that survivor with a ranged attack.
Her power is built for that purpose, and is effective. If you aren't able to wield her power appropriately then I'm sorry. But it isn't an issue with her. Her power is made with a specific play style in mind. It just means you aren't willing to adapt or aren't good with her as a character. You like how she looks, but not how she is played. It doesn't mean she needs to change. She's a fun and effective killer to play if used correctly.