Multiple Extra Exit Gates for Short Games

Aceonfire Member Posts: 304
edited August 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

For games less than 5 minutes, 2 fake exit gates appear. Survivor's won't know which they are until they complete the open action.



  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    Makes no sense. In some maps there's literally no way to place them, or at least in a way to pretend their legit (lery's or gideon), if the exits appear, survivors can easily check before the true exits, and most important, that's not how you counter game lasting few minutes.

  • Aceonfire
    Aceonfire Member Posts: 304

    well yeah those 2 maps would need re-work but they shouldnt have perm locations for exits on any of the maps imo so that's no biggie.

    So how would you counter the crazy short games?

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    This issue is heavily rooted in the game, hence we can't simply address it by tweaking some numbers (adding one more gen, increasing the time to finish a gen, creating fake doors, and so on). Survivors need a secondary objective that's it, otherwise games with efficient survivors will always go quick.

  • Aceonfire
    Aceonfire Member Posts: 304
    edited August 2019

    agreed on it being heavily rooted in the game but I'd say in regards to work needed of adding a secondary objective, vs reworking the exit points on 2 maps and adding fake exit spawns, the later would be vastly more plausible, compared to the work/time needed for most of the recommended secondary objective suggestions

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Reward a bad killer? no thanks, let him lose the game and move on.

  • Aceonfire
    Aceonfire Member Posts: 304
    edited August 2019

    Survivor's who genrush on that level don't get any rewards either. No points, almost certainly a safety pip. Only an escape, which doesn't even matter as no statistics are kept. Besides this just doesnt happen for the lower ranks and could help with the frustration newer players feel when just starting out as killer.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    So because they genrush you want to punish them? for doing their objectives? nobody gets chased in the whole match? nobody heals anyone??? nobody gets hooked????

    Thats a bad killer, newer players feel great when they escape, not when they lose with fake exit gates, ruin, noed and stuff like that.

  • Aceonfire
    Aceonfire Member Posts: 304

    Don't look at it like punishing survivors, look at it like the entity wants to make it a challenge when obviously things didn't go as intended in its design.

    There are several killers which have an extremely slow pace for the better part of the match, then become much more powerful at endgame. In the right situation, especially on the larger maps, this can lead to regular players turning into a depip squad with how gens are done and the right perks/add-ons. There may only be one hook and one heal and one chase, but regardless it turns into a very quick match. I play survivor 90 percent of the time, and those matches are the most boring.

    I'm wondering if some of the responses are from people who think they are good by just pressing m1 the entire match. That's boring and not really a win. I didn't do anything and skipped most of the content in the game because of happenstance.

  • rina
    rina Member Posts: 90

    So killer gets rewarded for playing bad and survivors get punished for playing good? Seems like a cool idea :)

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    Nothing. It's bittersweet victory, that's as much of a victory as black pip without kills as a killer. Bad survivors get rewarded with a free hatch escape/ability to open gates without gens. Bad killers just suck.

  • rina
    rina Member Posts: 90

    How is this opinion relevant in this particular discussion?

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    In that sense your opinion that someone gets punished or rewarded is irrelevant as well.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Rewarded with a free hatch? it is in some random place and most times the killer close it and the surv has to go to that dumb process opening the gates and 95% of the time loses.

    If 3 survivors died the Killer is not that bad, so why you say the surv is bad for having a chance to earn only 2k points?

    Survs doing gens and escaping vs a lame killer... bad.

    Killer hooking and killing 3 survs, and one (you dont know if he is good or not) has a chance to use the hatch...bad.

    You dont want to give any chance to survivors, even if they deserve it.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599
    edited August 2019

    So what you're saying when killer kills 3 survivors is not survivors are bad, that's killer is good. And when survivors escape from a killer it's a bad killer, not survivors are good. You do realize that there is no way good killer could allow 4 gens under 5 mins with all survivors alive? Also where did I say that survivors given a free escape via hatch is bad? I just said it's a thing.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    Anyway, I wasn't trying to say that idea is particularly good. That's just position of "Rewarding killer for being bad, mhm?" is wrong at it's core, and snobby people like that should be ashamed of themselves.

    IT IS a way to give a killer second chance, like hatch is. But hatch isn't just "survivor always has a chance" mechanic. It's a tool to wrap the game up that both killer and survivor would seek for ASAP, instead of silly search for final survivor.

    4 gates don't do any of this. It gives potential to grant more then 1k, unlike a hatch (unless a key, but killers has mori). And has no value as a mechanic of preventing holding the game hostage.

    Also lore wise killer is only creature in the game that can displease the entity. Survivors are simple in that accord. They have no objective of pleasing entity by playing with a killer. So that's definitely not the way to "force" them (unless for some reason entity can be angry with survivors, but there is never a thing like that). I also think that game need a better second objective for survivors (than that).

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Maps like Lery's and the Game physically can't have any other gate locations. It'd be fun to see them open the fake gates and get instakilled, but that'd be a joke, not something I'd want in the game.

  • Aceonfire
    Aceonfire Member Posts: 304

    you'd be surprised how easy it would be.....the addition of 2 more tiles would do it.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    So are you saying when a killer kills 3 survivors he is bad, and survivors are bad too?

    And when 3 escape killer is good and survivors too?

    I have plenty of games, and its a matter of skills so if you cant take down 2 guys and then the end game I dont know what to say.

    Also if the survivors are skilled or playing SWF you should aim for 2 kills, if you are lucky 3, but to pretend 4k as the norm is crazy, specially with this 3000 fake gates proposal.