Do DCs count towards Leatherface's faces?

Probably one for the devs more than anyone, as it would be hard to tell unless you kept count from the start. If a player is connected for a significant amount of time and DCs in the match, is it considered a sacrifice for the 25 required to unlock a cosmetic face?
Dc is not sacrifise, so it shloudn't count.
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No, but in my last match a Jake DCd in the last seconds of the sacrifice animation, a common depipping method. I'm curious if something like that counts.
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Disconnects do count as a sacrifice, yesterday i asked how to get mercilles killer and Peanits replied and said that disconnects count as a sacrifice, you can find the post somewhere in this section
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Thanks, I hope that's the case.
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Just gonna confirm, the devs say the game doesn't differentiate currently, disconnects are essentially a mori.
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I don't believe they do, bug they should came across that so much.