How to handle my chainsaws

When playing Hillbilly, I often have to be looking at the survivor and keeping my eye on the chainsaw charge so it doesn't hit 100% until I am ready. In the heat of a chase, it can be tricky to do both at the same time.
Are there any audio or visual cues I might be missing or do you just get used to the feel of holding an 85% charge?
Similarly, is there another way to tell if Leatherface's chainsaw is at 100% other than looking down at the bar?
As a Billy main, I can tell you there is no audio cues. I believe his chainsaw moves a bit more when it is closer to a full charge but don't quote me on it. It's something you just kinda have to get used to through playtime. My biggest tip is walk up behind them and rev the chainsaw. You will normally be able to fully charge and down them with the help of the autolock. As far as Leatherface, no not that I'm aware of.
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I am pretty sure Leatherfaces chainsaw stops at 100 and then you can hold it, then when you want to active chainsaw you just let go.
Or was that not what you asked?
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He was likely asking about Billy
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Pretty sure last sentence is about leatherface.
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Only the last sentence, he was asking if there is another way to tell if it is at 100% other than looking at it
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If you're on PC, steer the saw using your Q and E keys. Using those two keys on your keyboard is the best way to play Billy.
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It's mostly a case of mechanical memorization. Nothing really shows you how much you are charged.
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Thanks everyone. I suspected that I did have to either look down at the bar or just try to get a feel for it. With Leatherdface I tend to count in my head how many seconds I am holding it for but Hillbilly I often end up looking down and losing the survivor or looking at the survivor and then accidentally go sprinting off into the sunset.
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We need this gif of billy sprinting off into the sunset...