Let's discuss the swf power gap..devs? Hope you'll join me

So I've been thinking about the devs game plan..narrow the gap between solo and swf as much as possible and then strengthen killers accordingly..I see the positive and negative about taking this road and would like to attempt and assist..so the previous idea was to give kindred to survivors base kit..however you likely saw as I do the big problem with that..the killer and the direction they are going gets revealed..therefore making more than enough time for survivors to vanish and negate the pressure the killer would otherwise have..but..maybe the solution is simple..remove that feature from the base kit version of kindred and reserve it to the perk exclusively..I'd also suggest that maybe adding abilities like bond /aftercare to base kit would also prove quite nice as well plus further influencing teams to assist each other ..I'd suggest empathy but..flashlight claudette recently showed me how aweful it would be for the killer to deal with that..another suggestion I feel could be useful would be to perhaps add new icons over the survivor icons to show what each person is currently doing (working on a gen, healing , hiding in a locker, etc) this could be a simple but effective communication tool without being overly powerful and add further use for the icons for the benafit of the game..so those are my off the top ideas..what do you all think ?
Your idea for the icons is actually pretty neat. I've had some similar ideas that make use of these icons.
The claws of the Entity could be present on every survivor, but a smaller version than that of the obsession. That way, everyone knows who is being chased. This would also be helpful to the killer if multiple survivors look similar.
It would also be nice to have a perk list next to each survivor icon in the game. They would be small, but should still be recognizable. I hate it when survivors are too afraid to save me because they don't know I have DS, and this would help situations like that.
It would also be nice to have the perk list present in the survivor lobby so survivors can plan accordingly. If someone sees me using my All-Seeing Ace build, for instance, they could run kindred knowing it will be boosted by my open handed or take off small game knowing I will be able use my map to show the auras of totems to the team.
The killer could get a neat change too, in the form of being able to determine the hook state of each survivor without having to keep track. The difference between hooking a survivor on second hook and hooking one on death hook can massively impact the game.
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Hmm..well the perks in lobby could be a tad much, however once in game that could be good..would definitely require some time to tweak the UI to handle it
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@Peanits so just in case you guys didnt see this I really would love to have you look at this..I feel like this has potential to start solving the issue and would just be thrilled to hear what you guys think
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If seeing the direction the killer is going with base Kindred is an issue, why not instead just have the aura color of the hooked survivor change if the killer is within 16m of the hook? So for example, it turns white if the killer is within range. Serves the same exact purpose as seeing the killer aura but removes the direction aspect. Just a thought. Doesn’t sound like they’re going to make Kindred base regardless though, and I very much doubt the reason for it has anything to do with the the killer aura. Personally I wish they would at least buff the perk to work the other way around. I would find it more useful for me having Kindred and being able to see everyone else, plus the killer, when someone else gets hooked.
Post edited by Karl_Childers on0 -
Um..but you can...? See everyone..that's the point lol, but the color change idea seems solid too
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No, you can’t. I’m talking about when YOU have Kindred and another survivor who does not have it gets hooked. You see nothing. If Kindred was reversed, when someone else gets hooked and you have it, you see the other 2 survivors and the killer aura. Hell I think it should do both what it does now as well as that...since it’s a solo perk anyway.
just to clarify, everything I said above is just referring to the perk and nothing to do with any effect of it becoming base kit.
edit - I can see why maybe you were unclear on what i meant, I will fix it
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Ah now I see what you mean ok my bad, though I really think I hit something with my icon idea