Tutorials need to be re-visited.

I feel like the tutorials should include and descibe every single thing that a player can do.

Like, instead of saying "sometimes, this *certain situation* can happen." Actually make the player experience that situation in the tutorial.

Things like:


1. Cleanse the lit totem.

2. Sabotage the hook before the killer gets to it.

3. Blind the killer.

4. The hud is showing that the obsession is getting chased, finish the last gen while the obsession buys you time.


1. Vault the window

2. Grab the survivor off the chest, window, etc.

3. Go to the noise notifications (multiple examples of noise making situations).

4. Close the hatch.

5. Lunge while moving forward 3 times. (I had a friend play and didnt know how to lunge even AFTER playing the tutorials).

Like, i get that we should leave the strategizing to the players to figure out on their own, but basic mechanics and cause & effect situations should ALL be presented and made clear to the players in the tutorials.


  • Lametart
    Lametart Member Posts: 118


    Players need to *play* those scenarios, not just read the text.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    You know, I was going to come in and say the tutorial is fine as is but these are some nice changes and helps promote both killers and survivors to start off on a better foot. I do wounder would you lump this in with the original tutorial or have it be a advanced tutorial after you complete the original one?

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109

    The only thing that wouldn't work here is the flashlight. It is heavily dependent on timing and latency offsets it. Fractional too late or too early and you don't get it.

  • Lametart
    Lametart Member Posts: 118

    Not necessarily, i dont quite remember but wasnt there a part where the killer is behind an entity wall and his ai is trying to get you? All they need to do is add a similar scenario and the player can have like 2 chests opened with a yellow flashlight inside so the player can just practice on the killer looking right at them.

    They can either explain in a quick text box after blinding, that you can save survs when getting picked up, but it requires timing, practice, etc OR just make the ai drop and pick up a downed meg and the player can practice the timing and figure out how & when to blind efficiently.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    There should be a 2 part tutorial: Basic and Advanced.

    The basic tells you the absolute minimum to survive or sacrifice survivors.

    The advanced tells you more about what to expect and do once you reach higher ranks.

    • Hex Perks
    • Mindgames
    • Safe Pallets Verus Unsafe Pallets
    • Counterplay Against Killer's Powers
    • Survivor Gameplay Styles
    • Adaptation
  • cabbagehead
    cabbagehead Member Posts: 2


    Ive been playing for a bit over a month now and i cant seem to get better with flashlight, keys or maps. i cant EVER outrun a killer as a survivor because i dont have a way to practice. I cant seem to get the mechanics of killers because EVERY ONE OF THEM plays with different movments, skills and abilities and i cant practice anything without the stress of fastpaced gameplay. huntress and the clown both throw stuff but the mechanics arent even similar. teleporting with nurse, spirit, hag and freddy is not the same. I play on a console so my movement and controls are different so watching youtube videos is only slightly helpful. on top of all that, this rank reset thing just kicked in... and i am the worst player in every match i play. I would like to see an advanced tutorial as well as a low skill bot to practice using items, abilities and movement. a place to practice using ultra rare items without loosing them. I am seriously regretting ever buying this game