The problems with Myers BP scoring events

I love playing Myers. I have been playing since before he came out and he has always been my favorite killer, but I feel like I can't play him anymore because he always nets a terrible amount of blood points per game. The reasons for his terrible point gain are listed below along with my ideas on how to fix him.


1) Using his instant down on healthy survivors still only gives you 300 Brutality points, so if you use his power optimally and hit a bunch of healthy survivors in EW3, you end up loosing points.

Fix: Give Myers a special brutality event for downing healthy survivors like ghost face has.

Deviousness -

1) The total amount of Deviousness points he can earn in game with his Power is limited to about 7850 because Myers specific scoring events are stalking and powering up EW. Once he has completely drained all survivors he can only earn the remaining points through a 4k, bleeding, closing the hatch, or opening an exit gate, and lets be honest you are never going to make that many points through bleeding.

2) In order for Myers deviousness scoring to reach the limit 7850, he mus successfully tracks down and completely stalk every survivor in the match. This means not only do you need to open an exit, close the hatch, or kill all four survivors, you must also not kill any survivors who still have any evil on them and also track down and stalk all four survivors.

3) Myers has no way to earn Deviousness points while in EW3 other than the aforementioned universal Deviousness scoring events. As a result, there are periods of time in which you won't be able to earn deviousness points. So, not only do you need to find and stalk all survivors, let survivors live until they no longer have any evil on them, need to earn a 4k, close the hatch, or open an exit gate, but you also have minute long periods throughout the match, about 3 or 4 of them in total, in which you can't drain any survivors of stalk.

Fix: At the very least, grant Myers points for stalking survivors when he isn't empowering Evil Within. This wold fix all the problems listed above while literal doing nothing for him.

Other ideas are increase the values of the score events, make it so that survivors regenerate evil over time, that way there is no limit to his point gain, or make it so that that when a survivor with evil on them is killed his evil is split among the remaining survivors.

@Peanits Doing the barest minimum would fix these problems without giving Myers any buffs, and they would only serve to bring him more in line with ghost face. Could you ever see these changes being implemented?