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Time-Control Killer

The Killer's power is a projectile, hitscan, or a short stalk that when successfully triggered will turn back time for both the Killer and the targeted Survivor for x seconds. Best used after the killer has broken a pallet or a survivor has entity-blocked a window (the survivor will find themselves back at that location, but escape will no longer be available). Counterplay would probably be to keep as much distance as possible from the killer for as long as possible, breaking line of sight (especially after vaulting a window if the killer has Bamboozle), and to avoid looping the same window or pallet. Successful hits put the power into cooldown to prevent killers from immediately rewinding to get a free second hit.


  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,234

    Identity V's phtographer has a similiar secondary power:

    • The killer leaves a trail for x seconds that on he can see.
    • When holding down the ability button, a target marker moves down that trail to show where you teleport when you releaee the button.

    Well, I'm not sure if your concept be a good enough ability if the killer can only affect both the target and himself instead of choosing who to affect.

    Not a fan of the forced cooldown on attacks, although thats up to debate (as always)