Trapper Rework to get rid of RNG

Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077
edited August 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions


Trappers base traps now start out at 2. Traps that aren’t set will generate into your trap count, unless you have the maximum capacity or all traps are set (in which the timer won’t start). Time to regenerate traps is 30 seconds per trap. 


Players caught in a trap will now be presented with two separate skill checks at the same time (two skill checks in the same circle). Skill checks will have increased speeds than normal and appear consecutively while trapped unless a skill check is missed. In such case, the survivors struggle out is reduced by 25% (explained below) and time in between a missed skill check temporarily stuns the player. Survivors have a choice between two skill checks: Good (easier to hit) and Great (harder to hit). Good skill checks increase the escape bar by 25% and Great skill checks increase the bar by 50%.

Good skill checks resemble regular skill checks that would appear on a generator, just a bit smaller. Great skills resemble an *overcharge tier 3*. Like said above, these skill checks are separate from each other. Good skill checks from a rescuing survivor are 50% and greats are 100%.

Trappers Add on Changes-

Iridescent Stone- Reduces trap regeneration timer (15 seconds from 30 seconds). A random trap will become set every 30 seconds.

Fastening Tools- Increased Setting Speed (CONSIDERABLY). Adds Increased time to get out from bear trap (Good Skill checks = 20% Great skill checks = 33.4%) Rescue not included.

Honing Stone- Survivors no longer have great skill checks as an option when trying to escape a bear trap. Increases rescue time to get out from bear trap. (Good Skill Checks = 20% Great = 40%). Increases time to get out from bear trap by yourself. (Good skill checks = 16.7%). Good skill check zones are slightly reduced.

Stitched bag- Reduces trap regeneration timer. (15 seconds from 30.) Start the trial with 4 traps.

Setting tools- Increases Setting Speed. (MODERATELY). Adds Increased time to get out of bear trap (Good skill checks = 25% Great = 40%). Good skill check zones are slightly reduced.

Wax Brick- Skill checks speed time increased. Skill checks appear in different locations. (Doctor skill checks without the static.)

Serrated Jaws- *NEW STATUS EFFECT*. Survivors Gain The “Blackout” status effect when escaping the bear trap for 30 seconds. (Explained below)

Trapper Bag- Reduces trap regeneration timer. (20 seconds from 30). Start the trial with 3 traps.

Trap Setters- Adds increased time to get out of bear trap. (Good skill checks = 25% Great = 40%)

Trapper Sack- Reduces trap regeneration timer. (25 seconds from 30). Able to carry 3 traps. Start the trial with 2.

Trapper Gloves- Moderately Increasingly Setting Speed.

Trappers other Add ons stay the same.

Blackout status effect- Every 3 seconds Survivors screens will slowly turn to dark, for a duration of 3 seconds.

Note- think of like a long blink in your eyes.

Critique as you may! (:

EDIT: Added blackout status effect that I forgot to add before.

Post edited by Acesthetiic on


  • Sean
    Sean Member Posts: 107

    Everytime I play against trapper i am paranoid to vault any window or run through any patch of grass etc. The only buff I do think he should get is there should be an easier way for him to get his traps rather than walking 15 seconds to go pick one up. Everytime I play him there are two gens done if I don’t bring ruin because I’m trying to place traps at the start of the game.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    1---You did not say what the Blackout effect was below lol

    2---If the Honing Stone takes away the Great skill check then Survivors know it's the Honing Stone and they will go down if they get out so they just won't do the Skill Checks and wait to get saved. Unless you took out the instadown aspect, not sure why you' do that though.

    This is really cool, I would love to see this as it makes Trapper more powerful but of course not too powerful as that's not possible with this type of Killer.

    He has more traps and every 30 seconds he gets a new one in his bag so he doesn't have to waste a massive amount of time to go and get a trap across the map. This means he can place more traps down more frequently.

    The Skill check thing is cool with the traps, Survivors have to work to get themselves out instead of it being a percentage chance which helps and hinders both parties. Realistically you are looking for the strength to pry open the jaws of the trap and pull out your foot, you're not just tugging at it repeatedly until you manage it; that hurts.

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077
  • Nonfunctional
    Nonfunctional Member Posts: 70

    DbD is not a seriously competitive game. RNG mitigation is the last thing that needs to be focused on at this point.

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    This helps the trapper in general though? Why it’s called trapper rework lol. Just so happens that RNG hurts him quite a lot of the time.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited August 2019

    I think the whole Skill Check thing is simply going to decrease the average amount of time decent Survivors spend trapped in Bear Traps. For that, I'd rather there simply be a straight progress bar that fills steadily until freed, with Skill Checks (no Great Skill Checks) that reduce progress when failed. Basically, they operate like a Jigsaw Box only with no Great Skill Checks. That way, rather than Bear Traps either being escaped from too quickly or being nigh impossible to escape from by yourself, players can have a nice and consistent middle ground that is still good for Trapper but not super frustrating for Survivors (and can be adjusted as needed by devs and/or by add-ons).

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    That’s definitely fair! My mindset was allowing survivors a choice for low risk, low reward and high risk, high reward. I like your middle ground approach.

  • ahandfulofrain
    ahandfulofrain Member Posts: 528

    Too much. Give him two traps to start and make the traps spawn closer to the middle. Otherwise, maybe increase setting speed a little bit. He's good after that.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    Just give him built-in trapper bag and make traps spawn considerably closer to the center, from there you could look further. Just this alone should considerably impact trapper's winrate.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    edited August 2019

    A better solution would be to offer an increasing chance of escape with each attempt. With the first escape attempt having a very low chance of success but having a higher chance to succeed after every failure. You can try to commit to downing the person you're currently chasing or you can go guarantee the hook on the person in the trap. With the skill check based system, you're going to tend to see a very unmoving time frame (for the most part) for how long it takes a survivor to get out, and that reduces the risk-reward of your decision making as the trapper.

    A system of increasing chance of escape over time:

    1) Shields against extremely bad luck on the survivors part (still possible but rare)

    2) Shields against extremely good luck on the survivors part (still possible but rare)

    3) Promotes a risk-reward decision. I can commit to downing this injured survivor or I can leave them and go get the person in the trap, but the longer I take to get this person the more likely the survivor is to escape the trap.

    Let's look at it from a statistical point of view

    In our current system (25% chance of escape)

    infinite survivors step in a bear trap

    First Attempt: 25% will have escaped

    Second Attempt:43.75% will have escaped

    Third Attempt: 57.81% will have escaped

    Fourth Attempt: 68.36% will have escaped

    Fifth Attempt: 76.27% will have escaped

    Sixth Attempt: 82.20% will have escaped

    Seventh Attempt: 86.65% will have escaped

    Tenth Attempt: 94.37% will have escaped

    Twentieth attempt 99.68% will have escaped.

    I could keep going but we would be here for ages. How is it fair that roughly 6% of survivors will take more than 10 attempts to escape when 25% got out in one try. Pray you're not one of the very few .32% that take 20 or more. It

    If we start with a lower probability but increase it for each failure we can keep the unpredictable risk-reward factors of traps but shield against bad luck. The system will work as follows, you start with a 0% chance of escape but for each failure you chance of escape increases by 2^n% where n is the number of times you have attempted escape. Lets look at this scenario. Any forumla can be used to determine the escape chance mine was just an example.

    First Attempt: 0%

    Second attempt: 2% escape

    Third Attempt: ~6% escape

    Fourth Attempt: ~13.5% escape

    Fifth Attempt: ~27.3% escape

    Sixth Attempt: ~50.5% escape

    Seventh Attempt: ~82.2% escape

    Eighth Attempt: Guaranteed Escape

    In my quickly though up formula for escape chance, only a small portion of people will get out in less than 4 attempts with most escapes happening from attempts 4-6 with the unluckiest getting a guaranteed 8. Is my formula ideal? Maybe, maybe not, but it highlights the problem with bear trap RNG and way to fix it without getting rid of it completely. I like it because it reduces the times that suck for the trapper because of how quickly the survivors get out but also eliminates extremely frustratingly bad luck you can have as a survivor.

    Edit: Formatting

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Personally, I'd rather the act of escaping Bear Traps not be RNG-based at all.