Non-Human Survivor

This is a two part question. First part for the Devs, second part for the Community.
For the Devs: Is there any chance we'd get a Non-Human survivor now that we're going to have a Non-Human killer so long as said survivor is still humanoid? @Peanits
- Alien (stereotypical Grey with a DBD flaire) whose hometown/village/whatever has been destroyed by a monster (possibly a killer)
- A vampire whose curse was cured by the Entity but at the cost of becoming a Survivor (bad deal)
- A dwarf/elf from a fantasy realm sent to the Entities realm as punishment for a crime
For the Community: If this were to occur, what kind of non human Survivors would you like to see?
Bonus Question: When are we getting Survivors from the distant future and past?
[Please don't turn this into an unnecessary argument about what should and shouldn't be allowed, it's intended to be fun]
Best Answers
We obviously already have one. Did you forget about Nea, I mean the own entity?
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Scooby Doo chapter WHEN BHVR?
Dog survivor please. :D
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*squints at name* Checks out.
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Haha totally unrelated. But I do love some good dogs!
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Gotcha gotcha xD If, for whatever reason, they decided to give us a Pup I'd want it to be the Silent Hill ending Dog. If it's not that PUPpet master it wouldn't make sense to do the gens
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They'd probably have to scale them up to about Claude height but hell yes, that'd be adorable and horrifying at the same time