Suggestion about TIPS and the spoils they give


Hey guys.

Not sure if anyone noticed but when you are loading before a game the TIPS give away wich Killer you will face in the next match and its a huge spoil, takes aways the surprise factor.
You should make the TIPS 100% random.


  • Soren
    Soren Member Posts: 369
    From what I heard, they are only there for like the first 5 times you face a new killer, just enough for you to discover how they work! ^.^
  • Setsune
    Setsune Member Posts: 71

    Is that so? Thank you for clarifying :)

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Yep, those tips actually only trigger once per killer, the first time you face them. (Or, if you haven't played in a while, the first time you face them since that feature was introduced.)

    It's so that new players who don't know anything about the killers get a tip on how to play to counter them before entering the match. Honestly, most new players don't even realise that the tip has any correlation to the killer they're facing anyway, so it doesn't damage the surprise factor too much regardless.