Pyromaniac Killer


I know, I know, too soon, when the Stranger Things DLC has been just announced, but I got this idea and I need to get it out of my head.

The developers love to recycle functionality, as we all know. Every new killer is basically a mix up of the code used to build the previous ones.

So...what about a Pyromaniac Killer? A killer with Pyrokinesis (kind of like the Doctor, to whom the Entity gave the power to create electricity), or maybe carrying a flamethrower, or something to create fire.

They could recycle the code for the Plague's poisoning and turn it into fire damage, and make it so survivors with fire damage receive a penalty in their speed for fixing, healing, cleansing, etc. Maybe they could even recycle the Plague's fountains to make some sort of healing station, because survivors couldn't heal burns, for instance. Damn, they could even reuse the Plague's ability to infect objects, and turn it into this New Killer ability to heat things so survivors get fire damage when trying to vault a hot pallet, a hot window, etc. Maybe they could heat hooks so the survivor life bar decreases faster if the hook was hot ("There is no doubt the Entity comes from hell. Burning souls call its attention faster").

Maybe one of their perks could be carbonize unused pallets or patches of crops (this would need a big cooldown time). Another one could be to be able to see the progress of generators in the color of their auras, for instance (fixing a generator raises its temperature, and the Killer can see this increase), so they can see the progress of closest generators (1/2/3, maybe). And maybe a last one to be able to see burnt survivors when they're close to you ("The smell of burnt meat wakes your thirst for blood").

I don't know, I feel like I'm basically describing a Plague 2.0, but I think the idea would be cool.