We really should have a PvE/Offline Practice Mode

Since I passed on this message to the customer support and they made the suggestion of posting it here, I decided to sign up and pass my thoughts on to others and see what they would think as well.

This has been on my mind for a very long while. I feel like a offline mode would be a fun way for players to experience the game and experiment with killers without needing to wait to stress over a toxic match. In some way it could work like how Friday the 13th had a offline practice mode where you can play as Jason and kill counsellors. However, I feel like DbD could do that as well. Maybe even make a PvE mode of some sort so instead of being up against a player killer it could be an AI instead or AI survivors. Of course, this would result in either rankings being in another category or it being unranked altogether and as for bloodpoints (or in the future progression on the prospective archives/rifts) they can either provide no rewards whatsoever or the rewards can be greatly reduced to encourage players to play in ranked matches or the rewards can be equal and players will be able to enjoy the game instead of their experience being ruined by toxic players or unfair circumstances.

I honestly hope that this message will be considered because I'm personally more of a PvE player than a PvP player and to be provided a mode where I can play against bots while still enjoying the game and progressing normally would absolutely encourage me to play more of Dead by Daylight and I'm sure those of you who are more into PvE would appreciate it just as much


  • trash_owo
    trash_owo Member Posts: 3

    Pls pls pls add this i know the chances are very low but pls :(

  • Boozespecter
    Boozespecter Member Posts: 3

    As a new player, it is quite frustrating to get better with killers at the game, the queues are long, and there are so many maps I don't know, so I barely have room to learn the Macros of the game while trying to perform with each character.

    So yeah, I would love to see a practise mode or a pve version of it, it would help me improve by a lot.

  • thottiepippen
    thottiepippen Member Posts: 98

    Absolutely needed.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    Or ya know, just expand the tutorial section to include all killers, all survivor items and all map tiles. To get practice at using items, looping and using all killer powers vs the AI level that currently exist. Being put into the Dying State or downing a survivor would cause an arena reset of sorts for you to try again at the tile loops and chases. That would make more sense than an 'offline' mode in my eyes.

  • Denzi00
    Denzi00 Member Posts: 2

    I would really appreciate a way to explore all the maps without having to que up with another person so i can learn where all the possible pallet spawns and windows are and take my time learning the map instead of let's say doing this during a live game with randoms.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    @EuphoricBliss35 the way they want it is an offline mode to vs bots match style. My way was just an extension of the tutorial, you select the thing you want to practice in a small arena and there you go. Imagine it like an arena creator where you select the tile, the killer, the item to spawn in. And once the practice ends in whatever way, you can retry it with the same variables or reset it and select new ones. So, yeah, different.

  • NorbiZ
    NorbiZ Member Posts: 17

    Hell ######### yes.

  • Fluffy_Unicorn
    Fluffy_Unicorn Member Posts: 9

    I like the idea. You can practice with killers before playing a ranked match. Sometimes gens are repaired so fast that you dont have time to test killer's power or to learn it, specially in high ranks.

    Maybe they can add a mode like kill your friends where you can select survivors controlled by AI that can run so you can practice to hit them and test killer's power. I dont think they should add an unranked mode because they could split the community (longer queue).