Undetectable will kill perks

Can we get an F in chat for perks like Alert, which are already conditional in their usage (not to mention that their user isn't capable of meeting these conditions), and now they aren't going to work on a quarter of the cast after that. Big oof.
*teabags in ghostface*
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Literally the point of it, those perks were one of the things causing stealth killers to be basically pointless.
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I would rather to nerf Object of Obsession (because let's face it, this one was the problem), the rest is fine. Wow, you see killer for few second few times during your match, but you never know where they are 24/7.
I don't mind / care when I play stealth killer and someone have let's say Alert or some other revealing perk IF it's not Object of Obs. This one only perk need some "nerf" change, but other than that I found these short windows of vision on Killer fine.
RIP these perks (not for you Object, ######### you)
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*Night Shroud Intensifies* :D
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The fact that they were tied to m1 killers is the problem, not alert/dark sense/kindred. Sure, it blocking OoO makes sense, since that's always on, but the conditional off-meta perks getting shafted just means fewer people will run them. That means more perk slots going towards adrenaline, decisive, unbreakable, etc... Which will do even more harm to the killers "benefiting" from the change
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*teabags in Pig*
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*teabags in Wraith*
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Lies, Wraith's knees can't bend and you know it lol
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But it would be cool :-(
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*Nods in Pig*
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You forget about keys..they also were an issue with certain addons , this just gives an identity to stealth killers and is by and large a good thing..not every perk should be free aura reads especially on killers who's design hinges on being hidden, this way they can allow said perks to exist but be less effective against the ones who by logic should counter them in the first place
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*OG Freddy laughs in exile
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@Glory this is what I keep saying but everyone's all like "No no they'll still use them! They're still decent perks!". The thing is, they're not. If they have a chance to NOT work and they're just aura reading, they're not good perks. They're bad perks. I'm sure they said the same thing about the Self-Care nerfs when those happened, and look now. They're complaining because Survivors don't heal and rely on Adrenaline. Survivors will just find a perk that will be of benefit to them every game and start running it, and Alert will die. It wasn't used much as is, but it's one of my favorite perks. It's also used mainly to hide from the killer. So you're killing survivor stealth in favor of killer stealth.
Post edited by Atrushan88 on5 -
Alert will still work just fine against the majority of the top tier killers. Throw the poor low tier stealth killers a bone, for ######### sake.
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@Tzeentchling9 No one is going to use Alert when Ghostface, who is NOT low tier and is used a decent amount of the time, will have undetectable. Pig isn't bad either. Alert is used so that you will know where NOT to go and be able to lose the killer. If you can't lose the killer 1/4 of the time(since there are 4/16 killers that will have this), why would you use it? It's just going to be replaced by something that's going to have the killer only players fussing. Also, need I remind you, most killers WANT survivors to have to hide. They want looping nerfed so that survivors will only be able to get away if they can hide from the killer. So what happens when survivors start losing stealthy perks AND looping is nerfed?
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*Laughs in spine chill*
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The main use of the perk is to spot the stealth killers. You know where a nurse or Billy is rampaging, alert isn't for managing them. This is the main use of the perk being gutted, not sure how that's reasonable.
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They just want a kill simulator, they want a 4k with little to no work. It's sad but that's the fate of this game, the fire is starting to burn out.
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Survivors rarely played stealth anyways, maybe 1/10 games i get in has someone running a stealth build so how much will it honestly destroy, also i run stealth hand have never needed an aura perk to avoid the killer lmao
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Really not a drama. Stealth killers are supposed to be stealthy. It's as simple as that.
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And information perks are supposed to give information, see how easy it is to say things like that?
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@TrueKn1ghtmar3 Well you and I probably differ in the fact that I like to hide right near the killer as he's kicking the gen on the other side of walls and he's looking all around trees/t-walls/etc. If I don't know which way he's going out of 2 possible ways, I could run straight into him without Alert when trying to avoid him. I'm constantly moving while trying to be stealthy, but the killer generally in my experiences has two potential ways to go with the possibility of me running directly into him. If I don't have alert, then when he kicks the gen I can't be sure I won't run right into him. I don't NEED Alert, but it's extremely helpful. It, Quick and Quiet, and Lithe are my stealth perks atm. Once I get Dance With Me it's going in the build too.
But back to the topic at hand. Most aura reading perks are completely terrible, for Survivors anyways. Alert and OoO are the only good ones, and as I'm sure you know, even Alert is not used that much. So why are we nerfing something that is not even that good as is? This is why I'm telling you guys it will NOT be used at all when this Undetectable crap comes out, because you're nerfing an already not amazing perk. They'll probably start bringing the most meta perks they can, making the game even more stagnant when it comes to survivor builds, and killers will start getting angry and wanting whatever they start bringing nerfed too, despite the nerf to aura reading being the cause of them bringing the more meta perks. I'll also add that no one will use OoO because there'll be literally no point. If you bring it against a stealth killer, he now knows where you are and you don't know where he is. It's basically a killer perk on a survivor.
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Kindred literally states that it trumps all stealth abilities
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How is 5 seconds of aura, only after a pallet/gen kick, countering a killer? Hell, for Pig she has to stand up to kick gens iirc, so it doesn't even really circumvent her (I never play her, I could be wildly off base with this, if I am ignore this point ^^').
It's just homogenization of the stealth killers, others taking away something that made Myers unique and special
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Pig stays crouched if you break a pallet while crouching.
And take Wraith. Say you break a pallet on the way to a gen you think/know a survivor is on that's far enough away they don't hear it, and they have Alert. Well, now they know you are close and get a head start on hiding/running. Even if they don't run, they will be watching more carefully making it harder to sneak up on them.
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@TheMythicalCat That's literally the point of Alert, to know where the killer is when they're kicking a gen/breaking a pallet. Also, as Wraith, there's literally no difference from any other killer being seen by Alert. You know if they're coming before they come, or you know which direction they're going to avoid it. That's literally the point of the perk. Also the quote from Feng Min is kind of pointless as well with this change. She says "I have True Sight". True Sight is an ability in MOBAs that gives you complete visual knowledge of an opponent, meaning you reveal stealth as well. Twisted Fate in League of Legends is a prime example of True Sight. If for example a Vayne uses her ult, TF can use his ult to completely cancel her stealth.
@ad19970 I don't understand how people see the logic in "aura reading counters a killer's entire power!". First off, it alerts you to the location of a killer under specific circumstances. It doesn't reveal their terror radius or red stain. It also doesn't remove the secondary effects of their power. Pig can still dash, Wraith still gets a speed boost, GhostFace can still stalk, etc etc etc. How does seeing their aura counter their entire ability when those things still work? I see people say "entire power" all too often, but honestly the only thing it does is reveal their aura for a few seconds. It works the exact same way across all killers, and making certain killers immune, will again, render the perk useless because no one's gonna use a perk that has a 1/4 chance to be unable to work when they need it to. It already feels bad if you're playing against a Scratched Mirror Myers, but the chances of that happening are so low that the perk still will get use most of the time. Increasing the potential for it to NOT have a use, decreases the chances of that perk getting used significantly. Imagine if BBQ didn't have any bonus BP and wouldn't work if a Claudette was crouched. That's the logic of people saying Alert will still see use.
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The only one broken here was OoO and Spine Chill slightly.
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Spine chill isn't affected by this lol
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I dont get why people talk about Spine chill like its uncounterable lol
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That's her Ultimate ability. An ability designed to be powerful. Imagine a default power completely countering and entire character. That's not right. It's worse in DBD because Killers are meant to be more powerful then Survivors. So why should a set of perks completely nullify the power role? OoO, Alert, even Kindred and Dark Sense to a degree get rid of the stealth killers ability to sneak up on survivors, which is their biggest strength. It's wrong for a single perk to perfectly counter an entire character.
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So a permanent wallhack on a stealth killer is fine cuz its information...?
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A well-deserved F!
Hope this Status Effect will never go away.
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There are like 3 stealth killers (not counting Tier 1 Myers) out of everyone else. This is so literally non-issue I just wheezed in Clown.
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One or two viable stealth killers vs roughly 7 useable normal killers.
I'll still run alert. 1/7 being unused is better than nothing.
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Also Ghostface isn't stealthed while in a chase and Myers (the other good stealth Killer) isn't stealthed the second he tiers up.
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Still wish they kept old Freddy and allowed to choose between the two
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I know but they were the two anti-'stealth' killer perks.
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Yes, the premonition to walk backwards through the map. I don't think it does much tbh I haven't felt overwhelmed by the spine chill squad. However, it really becomes a hard counter to some stealth killers.
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"Loser Face™ is not low tier"
Meme of the week, guys. Meme of the week.
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Loser Face may be lower tier
But Ghostface is not
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*Ghosts in pig*
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Then the game is balanced accordingly, and both sides become more balanced as a result. Everyone wins!
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You seem pretty confused. Loser Face™ is Ghost Face.
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That just sounds silly. Everyone knows Loser Face is the one who runs around stabbing everyone with a knife repeatedly.
Ghostface stabs you just once.
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Fair enough. I‘m mainly just thinking of OOO honestly. And maybe spine chill. Pretty sure it‘s those 2 perks why stealth killers now get the undetectable status effect.
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But he can bing bong.
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so,spine chill, alert, kindred, OO... receive the same Love devs gave to mom? More trash perks?
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Will this "undetectable" nullify preminition and spine chill?