How are you supposed to play killers in general?

I know not each killer is the same and will likely be played a bit differently based on perks/ability of each killer. But just about every game I have people telling me that I suck, I'm a noob, I'm playing the wrong way (as well as some oh so creative language usage and name-calling) but nobody ever tells me what I'm doing wrong, or what I should be doing instead. I haven't watched any videos (and I know I probably should) and have not had anyone teach me or give me tips, everything I'm doing is what I learned on my own and I think I'm doing pretty good since I've been 3/4 or 4/4 for sacrifices almost every game recently, and have been winning/progressing quite a bit! Aside from being campy as ghostface (Who likes a camper, I know, shame on me.) What might I be doing wrong? How are you 'supposed' to play killers, and do you have any general tips on how to play killer?
It's worth noting some of my habits are to focus down one at a time, and that one gets mentioned a lot, people complain that I'm 'tunneling' them. I just see someone and wanna stick them on a hook :( and also I break every pallet that gets pushed down. They will run out of ones to use eventually. That's all I can really think of at the moment, feel free to ask me things tho! Help would be greatly appreciated. While I'm sure people will still be upset when they lose and throw a slew of hateful words at the end of each game, I want to try to take steps to make sure I'm playing 'correctly' since it seems to upset a lot of people.
Thanks in advance!
Best Answer
First, sorry for the big text.
I aways hate this idea of "correct way to play". The correct way is your way. If there's something wrong, adjust it, evolve it, and make your strategy the best for yourself.
Of course they'll rage at you. They've lost. They will complain and tell you are doing wrong, because in their minds, you shoud've let them win.
But if you indeed want to become better, understand your killers and your perks.
Here are some general tips:
Don't respect obstacles: the survivors will try to throw the pallet at the right moment. Make it sooner.
Set your perks with an strategy in mind: want to stall generators? want to be unstoppable? want to see everything? Try to combo your perks with your strategy to best effect. If you pick a piece of everything, you'll get a whole nothing.
Tunneling is valid, such as Gen Rushing: survivors will do everything they can to win. So do you. If they can't hide well, they will be found. It's harsh, but they will learn and get better.
Camping is possible, BUT NOT RECOMMENDED: you lose bloodpoints every second you camp a hooked killer. Also, you give the others more repair time. The risk doesn't worth it.
Ending with some personal tips:
Victory requires effort: Train, dedicate and learn. No one borns a pro.
If you're facing an lose streak, make a pause and grab a food: it works. Trust me.
Respect the other side: I've made real friends with this one. Your opponent is not your enemy. When the match is over, if they deserve, compliment them. You will be surprised of how many will answer positively.
Don’t cater to people by playing the way they want you to play. Play how ever you’d like.
If you want to be efficient, I’d recommend the following things:
- Never commit to a chase if it’s going to waste a lot of time.
- Don’t over mindgame at tiles.
- Make sure to loop around jungle gyms opposite of where the fast vault window is.
- Pressure gens as much as possible. Use your intuition to know when to leave the chase and go pressure others on gens.
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Thank you for the advice! I didn't know that pressure on gens was as important, I mean I knew it was to some degree that's kinda the point of survivors lol but I thought it was more about finding and hooking them and just slow them if possible. I'll take this into consideration for future games :)
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Thank you. So much. I appreciate the time and effort you put into this as well as the tips. I will keep this in mind for the future as I try to get better :) I think I need to take another look at my perks as well. Again, thank you!
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Step 1: Stab survivors.
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit.
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You see, that's what I thought at first too. But it seems to upset them quite a bit :(
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There is no correct way to play. You can play however you want as long as it isn't cheating. You have to develop your own playstyle and strategy over time.