A suggestion for mindbreaker perk.

I think that this perk isn't that good itself, i think that this perk shloud also make exsausted survivors gen repearing a bit slower. What do you guys think?
Eh, it would either be meaningless or it would be op. The perk also afflicts the survivor with a 3 second exhaustion debuff which would mean that every generator under 50% would have a slowed down repair speed.
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At first impression, Rank 3 of the perk might need to be adjusted to 75% instead of 50% in order for it to be more useful, but we won't know how good or bad it really is until we try it out. Personally I can't wait to try it out with Pig, because nothing makes her dash feel weaker than roaring near a gen only to see every survivor sprint burst out of range. Mindbreaker will prevent that from happening within the first 3 seconds of the survivor getting off the gen, which in my mind means that Pig will be able to pull off dash attacks with a higher success rate... on the other hand, it also means that survivors may end up with a double sprint burst right after the attack hits... so I'm unsure of how useful it really will be for her in the long run.
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That's the point. Slower repeair when exhausted and being exhausted when repearing a gen under 50%
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No. This would become a must have like ruin if the % are too high or bad like thanatophobia if they're too low.
Before suggesting nerfs/buffs we should also just test the general performance of the perk at least on the ptb first. The perk seems oriented for stealth killers that can approach a generator unnoticed and the survivors won't have time to get their exhaustion perk (this will help Wraith for example at the start of the match if they happen to find a sprint burst user at first). It in general just makes it so if the killer leaves a chase it's still possible the player is exhausted the next time you find them.
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Bear in mind, if the % is too high this perk will be a must have and will seriously hurt exhaustion perks.
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In the current state i wouldn't repleace it with any other perk in my build, even with stealth killers. Devs are too scared to change the meta by adding new decent perks. You think that mindbreaker is worth using to counter Sprint burst and dead hard, not every survivor takes it, witch makes this perk situational. And everyone knows where situational perks belongs. In the trash tier. Mad grit, flip flop, buckle up, iron maiden,hell, even new perk with valut blocking, nobody uses them because they may work in one of few matches. Mindbreaker won't be exception. This perk won't even do it's job because you will use your sb at the chase anyway, and get a distanse after walking or t-bagging for few seconds. Slower gen repearing while exhausted would make this perk usefull in every match. And only perks that you know they gonna work, are viable.
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Honestly with that perks design the worse it is the better. Its going to be obnoxious to play against and the only people who are going to equip are going to be people who use it for the fact that its obnoxious while not having a tangible effect on the game. If it was actually good someone might consider using it.
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It stops any exhaustion perks or it prevents repairing, cause survs want their exhaustion going away. That should be enough effect on the game. Its Fine as it is.
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Most survivors do take an exhaustion perk with them and half of the time it's dead hard. Sprint Burst isn't that common anymore.
Even if this perk got a buff and became meta... What then? They'd have to make another better perk to replace this one. And the cycle continues and old perks, if not buffed, will be forgotten completely.
The devs need to take a look at the top used perks and modify them if they want to shake up the meta.