Fun solo survivor builds?

Hi there
When I play solo survivor I like to play with some interessting perk builds. Item hunter build is my favourite for examble, even thou I barely ever manage to escape with a new item. But I would like to try out something new now.
Please tell me some fun perk builds to make solo more fun, thank you :)
Best Answers
Ace in the Hole, Plunderers Instinct, Urban Evasion, Small Game
feel free to replace Small Game with an exhaustion perk of your choice if you feel like you should last longer in chases / NOED doesnt affect you.
the idea is to find yourself an item and then play accordingly to it.
have fun ^^
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I've been playing a Healer build lately to change things up:
- Empathy (to see injured survivors and know when they've escaped the killer)
- Lightweight (to get to them without bringing the killer)
- Autodidact (to getter better healing over time)
- Aftercare (mainly to let survivors know where to get more of your sweet heals)
(Assuming RNG isn't bad) 5 tokens of Autodidact are great for late game healing when the pressure is on. They are also great for the killer's 3-gen strat. Post up away from the 3 gens (not too far) and your teammates can use Aftercare to locate you and get healed up after being chased off a gen and hit, before running back in for more.
The downside of this build comes from Aftercare. Scared survivors, and trolls alike, will use your aura as a means of kiting and ditching the killer on you to save themselves.
Aftercare isn't completely necessary, but it does help cut down on time spent chasing an injured survivor who doesn't know where you are, and it helps you read your team's situation to better help yourself.
(If you see your teammate working on a gen and then suddenly walk or run away, you'll know the killer's patrolling their gen, leaving you to rush your own; if there's only 1 gen left to do then you can better coordinate which gen(s) to repair (if the killer's busy chasing, stack up on 1 gen; if the killer's busy patrolling 3 gens, split up onto the 2 gens furthest apart).)
If you want, you can replace Aftercare with:
- Solidarity (to heal yourself while you heal others)
- Self Care (to heal yourself)
- Botany Knowledge (to further increase heal speed)
- Vigil (to help your patient recover from debuffs while being healed)
- Buckle Up (for those slugs)
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Another fun one I like to run is the Killer Power Counter build:
- Spine Chill (to counter EW2 Shape, Wraith, Ghost Face, and Pig)
- Urban Evasion (to counter Hag)
- Calm Spirit (to counter Doctor and Clown)
- Small Game (to counter Hag, Trapper, Freddy)
No mither and selfcare
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I tried something like the first build before but I might try that (again)
The second is very interessting. I never use spine chill so I will definitly try that one!
Ok, I don't care much for escaping but that's a bit too silly.
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no mither, boilover, sabateur, deliverance
i can say as a killer.. this perk set up is frustrating as all hell. lol cant get a surv to a hook, and you cant slug them, because they get right back up
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@sirnewbington I've used this build before and it worked well up until I faced a killer who ignored me altogether after realizing what I was up to. They killed off the rest of my team instead, before slugging me to death by smacking me everytime I fully recovered.
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yeah that's a thing too lol or a killer with iron grasp. but statistically you help prolong the game and make your self nearly impossible to hook.
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That's what I meant with item hunter build in the op but my build was slightly different
I will give it a try
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That sounds like fun
Thanks, I am gonna try some combinations of that
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Q&Q, Head on, diversion and DS
No mither, OoO, diversion and autodidact
poised, distortion, lithe and DWM.
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Here's build (works best with Bill Overbeck):
- No Mither
- Resilience
- Spine Chill
- Stakeout
Do not run, fall off of ledges, wiggle, or struggle.
Seeing some of the killer's reaction to me waddling away is hilarious...
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