We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Changing the "Match Result" screen, so Killers aren't at a disadvantage.

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 0
edited July 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

At this point, we should all be pretty familiar with the numerous advantages that Survive With Friends players have over "regular players." They can coordinate effectively, they can communicate easily, they know who is or isn't the obsession, they encourage a bolder play style, etc. But one thing I never really see brought up very often is the fact that they have the ability to reveal a Killer's perks, add-ons, and offerings to their teammates once one of them dies, and honestly I think that's quite plainly unfair.

To illustrate my point, lets say im playing as The Nightmare with the Pill Bottle and Green Dress add-ons. My perks are No One Escapes Death, Devour Hope, Blood Warden, and Barbecue And Chili. My offering is an Ivory Memento Mori.

Early in the game I hook a player who immediately gets unhooked by a teammate. I use my Ivory Memento Mori to kill them and remove them from the match and they look at the post game menu to see everything I brought in with me. All the other survivors now have information about me that will let them effectively counter my entire play style.

For No One Escapes Death, they can either go out of their way to break all my totems or memorize the location of them all to break at the end. For Devour Hope, they'll know to look for the Hex right away, or at least not unhook their teammates after the second time until it's gone. For Blood Warden, they'll know to not open a exit gate if I have a survivor picked up and ready to go on the hook, but instead wait for them to be ON the hook to open the gate. For Barbecue And Chili, they'll know to fake me out when a survivor is hooked (run one way for about five seconds, then promptly turn around the other way after).

For my Pill Bottle and Green Dress, they'll know exactly how long it will take for them to fall asleep, and that they won't be able to predict my movements during the Dream Transition. Not to mention that they'll know to be bolder in trying to pick someone up off the ground near the end game, because the Dreamt transition is longer and The Nightmare can't interact with someone who isn't asleep so multiple awake Survivors can easily heal a downed ally before they fall asleep themselves. Finally, now that everyone knows i brought in an Ivory Memento Mori and not an Ebony Memento Mori, they know that they don't have to play so cautiously if they've been hooked once.

Now I already know that some of you are going to point out that several of these examples can be inferred through gameplay. One can assume that a killer has Barbecue And Chili if they beeline towards them straight after a friend is hooked of course, but they can't know that for certain unless they've been told. If they haven't, they could be led to think "maybe he/she just saw me on his/her way to the hook" or "it might have been luck." And that knowledge, or lack thereof, can change the course of the game drastically.

Imagine if a Killer knew that a particular person had Borrowed Time. They would know not to waste time attacking someone who has been unhooked inside your Terror Radius and instead focus on someone else. Imagine if that Killer knew someone had Unbreakable too. They'd simply know not to leave that particular person on the ground for long. Imagine if that Killer knew a Survivor didn't have Self Care - the Killer would know how conservative they'll be playing if they can't heal themselves and how much more vulnerable they would be compared to someone who did have it.

Simply put, Survivors being able to find out definitively what you brought into the match is not good balancing and what I think needs to happen is that the particular menu/screen that appears after the game is finished (or when someone dies) be changed so that it doesn't blatantly reveal everyone's perks. That way nobody can tell their teammates what perks, add-ons, and secret offerings the enemy has, and everyone is on an even playing field. This would almost certainly change how the game itself is played by most people, but it wouldn't require any mechanical changes. Moreover, it would bring Dead by Daylight one large step closer to being equally fair and enjoyable for both Killers and Survivors.

Post edited by [Deleted User] on


  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    Didn’t they state in the last dev stream that they already have the intention of hiding all of the killer’s perks and addons until the match has ended?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Its coming soon (hopefully)

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    This should already be in the game after 2 years. Don't know why they haven't done it yet.

  • Onehouse
    Onehouse Member Posts: 46

    If they do block killer data until the match is ended that will be great to see. It's not just unfair to killers. It's also an unfair advantage over solo survivors.

    A real effort to nerf SWF could be to force survivor play in a first person perspective if you want to play as a team. Give SWF the same visual restrictions as the killer although never given any perks to counter this.

  • Manta
    Manta Member Posts: 117
    I'm a survivor. I often play SWF. And I completely agree with OP
  • aetherguard
    aetherguard Member Posts: 9

    I 100% agree with OP. It is a grievance error that the devs have made allowing this imbalance of information to be available in a strategy survival game.

    Also, it is Dec 9, 2018, already and they still have not fixed this issue.

  • Alonzo
    Alonzo Member Posts: 151

    Many threads made about this. No idea whats taking so long.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    Seems easy to fix too, unlike some other issues.
    I have seen otherwise fair and nice SWF streamers telling their fellow survivors what loadout the killer has, without considering for a second that just maybe, it could be very unfair.
    Devs. Please.
  • Alonzo
    Alonzo Member Posts: 151
    edited January 2019

    Yes it seems pretty easy to do and I am very sure the devs are very aware of this. I don't think they knew it was going to have such a big impact as it has now. Right now its wait and pray for this to happen.

    Post edited by Alonzo on