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I love camping.
RoKruegers abandoned child has come home to daddy.
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I play as the Trapper... It's just an other trap. It's my role to turn a survivor into a victim. If they don't want to be used as bait then they need to get better at hiding or running or both.
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It’s just a video game... chill man. People want to have fun, not to wait 2 minutes on the hook until they die.
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Despite what you may believe I am not responsible for the fun or lack there of that my victims or the "survivors" may experience. I have my fun and if they thought it sucked then better luck next time.
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Fun is subjective some survivors find fun in running killers around in infinites and then sending them a gg ez. Some killers find fun in camping survivors and giving them a gg ez. Some survivors find fun in stealth play. Some killers find fun in getting chased. It's not the killers fault if the survivor didn't have fun imo.
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Well, you’re actually denying someone else from playing the game, so I think that you’re indeed responsible for the lack of fun of other players. Their punishment for playing bad is get hooked and be one step closer to elimination, not to be denied from playing. They are not “victims” nor “survivors”, they’re just gamers, like you. Think about that when you keeping them from playing.
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Ok then now I definitely know the type of person you are.
You're that guy that stays at low ranks and camps the hell out of newer players so they're stuck standing still for 2 minutes and you're finding that fun. What a sad way to play the game.
You are only playing the game to ruin others' enjoyment, how can you live with yourself like this? There are gonna be loads of people that'll join this game due to Stranger Things are you're gonna be one of the hundreds of people to turn them away.
Also you are responsible for the fun of the survivors because you're playing the killer and you are the essential role, there's no Dead by Daylight without a killer, you are entirely responsible for their fun and enjoyment because the game revolves around your actions as a killer. Being camped and standing still for 2 minutes isn't fun for either side. Apart from you for whatever reason.
Just know that this thread is literally just you claiming that you're so good at ruining the enjoyment of others.
Have a nice day
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Escaping is also denying someone from playing the game.
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survivors can escape only if they won, or through the hatch if their team died. If they won, then the killer played the game, just not good enough for winning. And if they escape through the hatch, the killer played well to kill 3 survivors. Sorry if I misunderstood your point, but I can’t compare escaping to camping.
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Killing survivors is a way to win. Therefore waiting out the 2 minute timer is also a way to win.
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And thats why we wont make it.
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If hanging around a hook for most of the match qualifies as entertainment for you......then good for you. You should start streaming. I bet that would make riveting viewing.
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I didn’t talked about ways to win... I just said that camping is not fun to the camped survivor, even if it’s a strategy.
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They had/have the same chance to play the game as any other on their team, just with a little less luck. When I camp I am setting a trap. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Thems the breaks.
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I’m sorry mate, but waiting 2 minutes on a hook is not considered playing the game. It’s not their luck they are camped, it’s your fault.
And when you camp, you don’t set a trap, you just keeping someone from playing. Nothing more than that.
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Why dont you just leave traps there as the trapper there would be more time for killing people lol
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Chadi... little presumptious chadi boy. You couldn't be more wrong about my character and intent.
The first thing you got wrong and it is a hell of an assumption is that I camp all the time. I don't. Do I enjoy it? Hell yeah. Do I do it often? Nope.
When people escape I don't get mad, I don't care. If I get tunnel vision and chase someone for most of the match I dont care. I sometimes enjoy just running around swinging the machete behind them and missing.
Some killers Im sure would say that some survivors do the things they do to ruin the killers fun. They'd just be whining little female dogs in my eyes. Some survivors enjoy running killers around in a loop. I don't begrudge them their fun. Some enjoy running in a group and doing the gens early and tea bagging at the exit for whatever reason. How they have fun is on them.
I do not set out to ruin anybody's fun. I know that that is yours and others perception of it but you are wrong. My aim is for me to have fun.
@Chaddad2169 you are the sort of person that enjoys a false sense of moral superiority. That is truly a sad life you live.
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Good for you, thanks for sharing!
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Not all of swf teams are good some can mess up badly giving you a win.
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What killer is your favorite to play as?
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The Trapper
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They can be saved mind you. It's not impossible.
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Cool:D Also whats the next killer you want to get soon?
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Could be just a smurf account, proves nothing buddy.
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It does happen and when it does I'm happy for them. One thing I've done a few times that makes me laugh at myself is when I set traps around the hook and a survivor who took the bait manages to miss them and I rush in not paying attention and step in my own trap. Lol
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@OGOzSnowChimp Also good luck in your future games:D and good luck have fun:D
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Hold on bucko you've got a hell of an assumption too.
Did I mention that I ruin other people's fun? No, great assumption btw.
You are claiming to not ruin someone's fun and that isn't your intention, how wrong you are.
Camping in your eyes is fun, whatever, I don't really care about what you find fun, I'm thinking about the other person, the one being camped, are they having fun? I doubt it, what are you doing by camping? Ruining his fun.
Since when did I say I have a moral superiority? I don't deem myself better than others, another splendid assumption, my goal was to clearly tell you that what you are doing and creating this thread is negative and a waste of time.
You also responded by saying that you don't want to rank up, what are you scared you'll face a team that can counter your ways? And you just want to face lower skilled survivors?
Seems like a douchebag thing to do
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What's a smurf account?
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Use Google
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I don't know. I've only been playing for about a week. I'm just getting used to the Trapper. I suck at the nurse and the wraith. The doctor is fun shocking people but I don't think he's for me. The hillbilly is fun with the chainsaw but getting the aim wrong and hitting a corner instead of my target is the one thing in this game so far that makes me amgry hahahahaha.
I haven't thought about buying any killers yet. Any suggestions? And if you do suggest one/some could you explain why they would be fun?
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Not my problem, idc if you don't want to gain more knowledge. Haven't expected much from a player like you described yourself anyway.
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No @Chaddad2169 I don't care about ranking up. I do not believe I ever said I don't want to.
I did say there aren't any perks I want. I haven't read about any future perks I may unlock and don't care to.
If you see no merit in threads like this then you are more than welcome to ignore them. Just keep on scrolling.
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You brought up a term I don't know and I asked you what it was and instead of explaining it you directed me away. You are arrogant.
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Eh... mine was a 5 Man...
1 For the Killer and 4 for the Poor Survivors.
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It's not my job to explain words. Use Google, it's 2019. Im not your mommy.
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You most certainly are not. she is polite and friendly.
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I would get hag,plague and maybe shape if your a fan of the Halloween movies. But hag and plague are pretty simple. Hag can teleport to her traps when survivors trigger them. Plague can infect survivors giving you a one hit :)
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@OGOzSnowChimp . YouTube › watch
Dead by Daylight | The Halloween Chapter – Spotlight - YouTube
YouTube › watch
Dead by Daylight | Demise of the Faithful | Spotlight - YouTube
Dead by Daylight Of Flesh and Mud – Spotlight - YouTube
Here's some options to pick from.
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Buy bubba he the top camper with his ability to knock down multiple survivors with his chainsaw
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@jackkn12 Not a big Halloween fan. That feature of the hag being able to teleport to her traps sounds like a lot of fun
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She's fun to play
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Camping is setting a trap for anybody that comes in for the rescue. Your lack of ability to understand it is your problem.
The luck comes in as to who I get first to put out as bait.
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Your play style works really good as Ghostface
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That's more than fair. I will discontinue any further trash talking.
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Whaaaaaaaat? Multiple...? That certainly would come in handy on occasion. What in your opinion is the biggest drawback of Bubba?
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No I'm just trying to explain to you that playing like this isn't fun for either sides, if it's fun good for you. But I think about others when playing killer, I played badly, do I camp? No, I never camp because I know the negativity that it brings.
Sorry, but you're the one living a sad life here, you've been playing for a week and believe what you're doing is fun.
I'll tell you this now, as soon as you get to high ranks you'll get your ass whooped and camping will become boring as hell.
Also, I will keep answering sad bait threads like this by trying to explain that it is wrong.
Thank you and goodbye
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Maybe I haven't seen the right threads but I've only really seen people complaining about him.