Tips on getting the Adept Achievements

I'm trying to get to get some of the Adept Achievements. I've got Legion and the Nightmare but is there any tips to make it easier like doing certain things.
Best Answers
Depends on the Killer. For instance, Killers with insta-downs, you might need to go for normal M1s uf you use your power too much. Insta-downs only count as a single hit, so you will suffer in the Malicious/whatever emblem if you use it for every single chase. Trapper and Plague also suffer from this.
Dont be afraid of using strong add-ons. Certain achievements will require you to play almost perkless (because their perks suck, are situational or just dont have synergy with their power).
Only use moris if they are on death hook or think you REALLY need to get someone out of the match.
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PigNRun gave good advice, but another good thing to do is wait for rank reset and attempt them in the lower ranks. Adept requires you to double pip, and the higher your rank, the harder it will be to double pip.
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My advise: Hunt those achievements when they make them a little easier ;-)
I don't like to play in a way that benefits survivors:
If I can instadown, I will.
If a survivor is sacrificed on first hook, so be it.
If a survivor is unhooked next to me and they don't have DS, they will be back to the hook right away.
I have never EVER had a 0% Hook proximity penalty.
I have fun every time, that's the greatest achievement of them all :-D
Try going for the one where you have to kill everyone with The Shape or down people from far away with The Huntress, those could be challenging and fun.
Thanks for the tips!
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When is rank reset again?
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It's always on the 13th every month
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What you said was beautiful... I just wish other people would be the same way as you.