Keys, Moris, and Pips

If a Survivor(s) escape through the hatch with a key, the Killer shouldn't be punished by losing pips.
If a Survivor dies because of a mori after they have been hooked only once, that Survivor shouldn't be punished by losing pips.
You cannot have a "competitive" game like Dead by Daylight provide one team the ability to win by random chance, and have the other team derank because of it. it simply isn't fair to the Killer.
I think the pipping thing when it comes to keys is a little overestimated. If the survivor(s) get out with a key that still means you either killed 3 of them or they got 1 more gen done than the number of survivors alive which should be plenty of time to get most if not all of your pip progress. Keys basically discount 1 gen for every survivor dead. at 1 survivor dead you still would have had 4 gens to do stuff and if you spent 4 gens tunneling and killing one survivor you made a mistake chasing that survivor for so long.
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I think if a survivor escapes by key you should at least gain emblems points based on what you would've for catching and hooking them.
In general, if you use a mori or escape with the use of a key, you should not be able to rank up at all. Maybe even pushing the safety pip minimum to the regular pip minimum for that match.