We Need More Hidden Offerings

I am a firm believer that we need more hidden offerings in the game. I think it's rather unfair to the killer that survivors can know if they have a mori. The only other hidden offering is shroud of separation for the killer (other than a mori). But if you spawn in and see a teammate well it's a mori. Moris are supposed to be a surprise that surprises and stuns the survivor. If they go in knowing it's a mori they will be wayy more careful and the game gets slowed down too much. Same goes for survivor, if they killer sees a hidden survivor offering they know oh well I am getting gen rushed. Especially if they brought tool boxes as well.
I think the perfect solution would be to make map offerings hidden. I don't think there is any reason people need to know weather a map offering has been used or not. With the exception of some maps like if the killer picks Haddonfield expect a Trapper or Hag. Or if it's cold wind expect a Nurse or Hillbilly. But even then you can't assume exactly what killer it is.
This was just my 2 cents but comment if you think differently or agree.
Not exclusively hidden offerings but a bunch of them are hidden, including a map offering variant