Pip points for camped survivors

I apologize if this has been suggested, but if you're being camped, you should get whatever pip-points that the killer loses multiplied by 2.

That is it, just a suggestion to try and help survivors pip when they are being directly prevented from doing so. and hey, maybe it'll even act as a deterrent to camping as you're now kind of helping the survivor in a way.


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    So you're proposing that the killer be artificially docked points just for camping, or just that if the killer doesn't do well, the camped survivor receives either no pip or a double pip?

    While I agree that camping is the worst and it sucks to be on the receiving end of it, double pips are for people who play really well, and if you think about it the survivor has already failed by allowing themselves to be hooked. They shouldn't be rewarded for that. It is possible to pip even if you get camped, if you played well enough beforehand.

    If you're constantly getting facecamped at low ranks (because that's really the only place it happens consistently), it's fair enough to want to rank up to escape that, but the best way to rank up is to improve your skills. If you get boosted to a higher rank for reasons that have nothing to do with your skill level, all that's going to happen is you won't be good enough to stay at that rank and you'll depip back down anyway.

  • MasterManMike
    MasterManMike Member Posts: 19

    The killer is already docked points for camping lol. Not talking about giving out double pips, just whatever percentage of points they lose from the sacrifice category (because that's the category they lose it from) and doubling it and giving it to the survivor in their survival category.

    The idea is to give those players a black pip, not a pip or double.

    Also, I say this because despite being in purple ranks, I keep getting put with yellow rank killers and survivors while playing solo. and thus, getting camped, it sucks losing pips because of a crappy matchmaking system and a killer who thinks that camping is a good idea.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    It already docks you in the chaser category if you camp.

    Hes proposing that the survivor who got camped get some progress on pips to help them get the black pip. ie. Light bringer points since people are (or should be at least) getting gens done while you are being camped.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I see, I thought that by pip-points you meant pips, not emblem points. However, I still maintain that it's not a good idea to reward survivors for essentially failing in their objective.

  • MasterManMike
    MasterManMike Member Posts: 19

    they cannot fail at an objective that they aren't being given an opportunity to complete, just because someone downed you doesn't mean the survivor has entirely failed. In most cases, the survivor has 3 chances, and in the situation you are describing, they have one chance. The objective isn't to win chases, it is to escape the trial, and if a killer is camping, that means that they are directly preventing you from completing the objective, out of said survivor's control.

    Lets say that I am playing on The Game, and a leatherface corners me in the bathroom 30 seconds into the match, downing me, taking me into the basement, and face camps me. Have I failed in a situation where it was possible for me to win? Do I deserve to de-pip because some killer doesn't know how to play properly? Yes there are situation where you can get face camped later into the game but for those people who never even got a chance to succeed its asinine to blame their loss on lack of skill.

    Again, I'm not saying to give a pip, just at the very most a black pip if the survivor would have de-pipped as a result of being camped.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited August 2019

    @MasterManMike I understand what you're saying, and why you're saying it. But getting hooked is both a triumph for the killer and a failure on the survivor's part. While it's true that the survivors' ultimate objective is to escape the match, there's a reason that there's a whole emblem devoted to evading the killer and not being downed - because it's an essential part of that objective. And while whether or not they are able to be rescued once hooked is outside the survivor's control, whether or not they are in a position to get hooked in the first place is very much within their control.

    Again, just to be clear: getting camped is not the survivor's fault. Getting hooked is.

    Yes, it sucks to get only one chance to survive instead of three. But it's illogical to insist that survivors should be compensated for it, unless you're also proposing that survivors should receive equal compensation in situations where their teammates choose to do generators instead of saving them, or are prevented from doing so because they are being chased, or leave them behind when they escape.

    I suspect that the real reason you want survivors to be compensated in this situation specifically is not because you think survivors are entitled to 2 or 3 hooks before they die, but because facecamping just feels particularly unfair.

  • Idk_a_name
    Idk_a_name Member Posts: 2

    As a survivor main with 60 hours in the game, I agree with this post in it's entirety. face camping is unfun to play against and I do not like it :( Why are there so many killers like this at my rank? (17) It's unfair and it's putting me off the game.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Doesn't matter how the killer plays, before that 1st hook all point gain is on you. Just because the killer decides not to allow more chances for Bp gain doesn't mean we should be granted a safety if it wasnt earned.