Help me with meanings of the game rules

Hello everyone! Recently, I got back to the game and checked out the game rules. Would you kindly to explain me the following rules:
- 1)"Targeting specific users repeatedly in order to ruin their game experience" - To me, as a killer main, it sounds like a prohibition of "tunneling".
- 2)Holding the game hostage - I have some guesses about that, but, first, I want to know your opinion.
- 3)Botting - is it using AI instead of direct playing?
- 4)Lag switching - once, someone imputed me that thing, but I don't have a clue about what this could mean.
Best Answers
1) Targeting someone: Ex: You are salty at a Killer who camped you. You want to take revenge on them. You, because they camped you, sandbag them every time you find them on a survivor lobby.
2) As Killer, trapping someone in a corner and going AFK.
3) Using macros or bots to give you competitive advantage.
4) Lag switch is a program that simulates lag: once you activate it, all Survivors will lag out, as if your server were actually laggy, but you are not laggy and can play normally.
Note these things are all banable.
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My comment is a bit bugged so I'll comment it again.
1) Ex: You are salty at a killer who camped you. You wanna take revenge on them. You, because they camped you, sandbag them every time you find them on a survivor lobby.
2) Generally, as a Killer, trapping players in a corner and going AFK. This pretty much forces the Survivor to DC, or the game will last forever.
3) Using macros or bots to get competitive advantage.
4) Lag switching is basically simulating lag using programs: Once it's activated, all survivors will lag out, as if your lobby were laggy, and only you'll be fine.
Note these things are all banable.
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Welcome back! 😁
Ok let me go quickly over your concerns:
1) No, this doesn't mean tunneling is prohibited. It is meant as a broader scope, like trying to target an user over multiple matches specifically to ruin his game experience. This implies also trying to specifically search and get him ingame with you to do so.
2) If you have specific ideas do tell them and i'll get back to you, but it's basically blocking the game to prevent it finishing. This includes bodyblocking people in corners for minutes for instance just to annoy them (without a beneficial game advantage. For instance if you bodyblock someone as wraith for the time it take you to get out of your cloak and hit them, this doesn't count because you're using a tactic that benefits your playstile)
3) Yes, exactly that.
4) It means using software or hardware to manipulate network traffic (to causa lag to others basically) to your advantage.
As you can see these are all things that cannot happen if you behave and play normally the game. These are all things that happen only if you get out of your way to specifically make them happen. So there is no risk of doing some of these involuntarily. 👍️
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Yeah, you're good with that. No worries.
Could somone tell me how I can prove lagswitching as it happened to me this week when the killer who was a wraith was being outplayed then once the endgame was triggered the game totally lagged out and everyone had the same problem and I was streaming at the time as well.
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As you were streaming, you can prove that your ping was good before the match started and that you weren't laggy until this very last moment. If you could prove that the other Survivors also experienced that, it would be almost 100% confirmed that they were actually lagswitching.
Try to submit a ticket to the DBD support, linking your stream. Also try to report them in-game.
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So, about №2 - in one of my last matches, after the gates became powered (but not activated) I saw a survivor in a bad spot for him and decided to bodyblock him in a corner to get some BP in sacrifice category after the Entity's countdown ends, because one of the gates was close and I wouldn't be able to sucsessfully hook him. Does it count definetly like holding the hostage or 50/50?
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No it isn't, as the game progresses to an eventual end with some benefit to you
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Regarding the first question, targeted harassment is something that happens over the course of many games where a player goes out of their way to ruin the experience of another usually at the cost of throwing the game. It's very different from the usually tunnel/camp experience, as you will have a history with this player. It's not something that you can get in trouble for in a single game.