Please push Bloodweb changes to live version before x2 BP.

These kind of changes have been needed for a long, long, long time. The amount of grind in DBD is ridiculous and its needed a reduction desperately, and now we have finally gotten one.
Waiting until after the x2 BP event would be a massive waste.
That's silly. It makes more sense to wait until the new bloodweb is available.
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...or grind to 1m to splurge all over the new bloodwebs?
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The PTB Event is going to go over the 5th, I find it highly unlikely they do a PTB & 2x event at the same time.
Stop taking Youtubers leaks as gospel.
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That would be a comically bad decision. Nobody would want to play the PTB during a 2x BP event 😅
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Thats my man!
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I find it unlikely aswell. But they might do the double bp event after the PTB but still before the release. Would be a waste you know.
But launching the live version and double bp at the same time will just increase killer Qs into oblivion
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Already done. They should have both at she same time though.
Who said anything about youtubers? The x2 BP leak comes from a Steam API thing.
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Thats why you dont play Killer to farm BP lol.
During BP events in the time it takes to find and play 1 Killer match you could do 3-4 Survivor matches and get the same amount of BP or more.
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Yes please, this so much. Until when is the 2x BP event supposed to go according to the leak?
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That tm in the corner killed me faster than a nurse with ebony... XD
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I understand what you are saying, but why not just save 1 million BP and then spend them when the changes go live? Plus the changes only work for level 40-50 and the rest aren't being touched.
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Because we have save 1 million bp already.
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Lots of players can easily grind multiple 1Ms over a double BP event.
With double BP I can easily get to a million in half a day.