Let's make Legion into a real "Legion"



1: Plenty of survivors didn't like the old Legion so the old Legion is gone, please do not bring them back into this post

2: Plenty of killers do not like the current Legion

With this post I would like to discuss the possibility of Legion becoming a "legion" as their story suggests.

Changes to the current Legion:

  • Legion cannot hit survivors while in feral frenzy (FF), no if or buts. it is too difficult to balance this so better remove it once and for all
  • FF is back to 5.6 m/s and it is now unlimited and can be triggered whenever the player wants. It becomes a mean for map pressure
  • Cancelling or losing FF gives a 3 seconds stun. Visual like now

New power:

  • Legion is now a legion so you can play with two different killers by swapping them through the match
  • this power has a 60 seconds cool down
  • switching to the second Legion causes a locker to start to shake and the second legion (or the switched one) starts in feral frenzy, so you cannot right away attack survivors or gen grab. You will get your stun and then you can attack
  • you have a primary legion, the one you start the trial with, and a secondary legion, the one you can switch to
  • Primary Legion has 4 perks
  • Secondary Legion has 4 DIFFERENT PERKS
  • hex perks can only be taken as the primary Legion and they don't have any power when the secondary Legion is active BUT they still are lit.
  • we can discuss limitations to avoid super strong combo I cannot think of right now

With this change, and please discuss how to improve it, we could have two different killers in a match, one could be specific for slowing the game down, one maybe for chases.

Decent map pressure with both the locker switch and the feral frenzy, lots of unpredictable plays AND still not op because at the end we still have an m1 killer.

As Legion main I would love something like this


  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    While the idea is... Okay, why not all gour members? Susie and Joey need love too ;3;

    I am also confused why the cooldown is so long, when it basically means nothing in the long run, and how would we determine who the second member is, what petks are picked, etc.

    Otherwise, I like the idea and it would certainly make the Legion unique.

    Also, I had a similar idea like this, it's been lost to time however. If you are interested I can send you a link in your profile.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Sure send away!

    I didn't include Susie and Joey because they are extra skins so not everybody has them, but if you do you can use whatever Legion member you desire.

    The cooldown is long because I don't know if it can be abused in any way, but it can be reduced.

    As for the perks, when you load-out your primary Legion you load-out also your secondary one.

    So Let's say you start with Frank (your main) with ruin, corrupt, thanatophobia and pop to maximise gen regression

    and you can switch to Susie (secondary) with BBQ, Enduring, Bamboozle and brutal strength to optimize your chasing potential.

    These two are already loaded in when you log into the game.

    I feel there needs to be a cooldown to avoid using Susie to down a survivor and then switch to Frank to activate pop and then back to Susie to chase again. With some cooldown you cannot do this too fast.

    Unfortunately if we make this too strong survivors will start to DC and we are back to square 1

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    I'll send it to your profile, so no one here would see off topic links (even though it is in topic technically)

    Regarding the cooldown, I very much doubt it can be abused with how you say they start off in Feral Frenzy and that they can't attack while using it. What you described was them making smart plays, and keep in mind a locker isn't always close by, switching would be a mistake most of the time, especially giving survivors ample time to coordinate if they are smart.

    Thank you for explaining though :) I can certainly get behind something like this.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I agree with you :) and you know survivors will always complain hahah

    Thanks :)

  • Horror_Gaming
    Horror_Gaming Member Posts: 275

    Honestly legion is fine . I just wish they would take away the lose power from M1 hits and misses. There was no need for the change. It’s a non lethal ability meaning you can’t down anyone with the ability itself. So there’s no need in giving the power so many drawbacks. I promise you doing this will make so many legion players happy.

  • starpilotsix
    starpilotsix Member Posts: 203

    Really, ANYTHING that incorporates the concept of the Legion being a group would be benefit. Instead, it wound up being the worst waste of an exciting concept since Batman V Superman.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Legion is not fine, they are boring and underperforming, but more importantly they need to be a group, that's their true nature.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I guess people haven't seen mine so i'll post it here.

    Legion starts out the match with no hood, mask, weapon, or TR and cannot attack until they activate Legion. Once they activate Legion they get all of those things back and can use FF, FF has their old speed and vaulting speed back but no longer causes Deep Wounds but instead only injures but cannot down. Killer Instinct is replaced with Auras.

    Each member that you have is playable, you can switch and restart your cycle by going to a locker and exiting a different locker as another member who starts out with no hood, weapon, mask, or TR just like before until you activate Legion again. This cycle can happen up to 4 times whether you own all 4 members or not.

    FF has add-ons that can supply status effects such as the crap DW, Broken, the new Oblivious status coming, Blindness and so forth.

    This version of Legion feels like 4 people, their stab is effective only with add-ons but that isn't saying much. They can see Auras in FF so they have synergy with their own perk Iron Maiden, if everyone knows they see Auras then they'll hop into a locker. The Deep Wounds is taken out of the base ability so no one has to deal with it, this does give that power less viability and usage but it is replaced with their stealth ability so now they have more going for them overall. They're fast like they were before and since DW isn't in their base ability they can stab you as much as they want in FF without penalty, UNTIL they use an add-on to give their FF a status effect then if they miss they break out of FF like they do now.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    That's also good, very consistent with the promo material shown.

    Hopefully they will do something so legion is actually a legion

  • Horror_Gaming
    Horror_Gaming Member Posts: 275

    I mean I’m rank 2 and still doing fine. I’ll 4k most of the time and the only time I struggle is with the typical unfair advantages that most killers face against com survivors. That doesn’t mean legion is bad. Thats just another case of SWF not being balanced properly in the game. He really just needs quality of life fixes that I already mentioned or even an added new deep wound effect.

    I just dont don’t see how making 2 forms of the legion but then each having separate perks is a power worth having. It would be a meh ability that doesn’t help in the chase.

    Legion is an underrated killer that isn’t as terrible as everyone says. With perks like the buffed Dark Devotion. Legion can target his prey better then ever. He can dominate certain teams. You just need to be able to hit FF hits. And no when not to use your power also. If you can do that then I promise you’ll be loving this killer. He’s just not as easy as he used to be and it’s up to the devs if the legion needs tweaking or not.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I hope they do, I had a lot of fun playing as Legion before the nerf and never resorted to the moonwalking because it was cheap and I wasn't confident enough that I would be able to follow them that way anyway lol I don't have fun as Legion anymore, they feel way too slow like running through mud. I don't care they nerfed DW for Killer but that speed nerf was too much.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    My problem is that having a Killer's power effectively be just "Four* Extra Perks" and "run faster sometimes" does not seem very interesting. I am all for finding some way to incorporate multiple Legion members into the core gameplay, but I'd kinda want it to be more interesting than that, personally.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I like the idea of surprising the survivors with some unexpected combo between two chars. I think you can do some good plays.

    With that said, I tried to work with what "could" happen rather than my dreams about legion.

    By all means if you have good ideas on how to make legion a legion, please express them so we can discuss them.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Eh I think the old legion upset too many survivors for the better or the worse.

    And even if I also enjoined the old legion I would still prefer something based on them being a team. It could be good

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I would rather them be a team Killer, the teaser image excited everyone and got our minds twisting into fantastical ideas of a cool multiple Killer, the name Legion made that solid. Then they gave us 1 Killer who was a human pinball with 4 different skins so yeah everyone would love Legion to be a real Legion.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Yes a team killer would be awesome, I wouldn't mind Legion to be mid tier as long as he is fun to play

  • Bludge23
    Bludge23 Member Posts: 234

    I would rather an idea on using all the members so they're an actual legion. But how is where I'm stumped. I've obvious thing would be to switch characters. But the power is still up in the air.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I do agree, the problem is that Joey and Susie are not free so they would need to introduce them in the game in the base dlc. At that point it would work

  • Bludge23
    Bludge23 Member Posts: 234

    Yeah it would be cool if they had default variations like Frank and Julie as the second pair.

  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    I like it but the whole feral frenzy turns to map pressure is useless because he would already be able to switch. INSTEAD:

    you would have all 4 of the characters. They would be hidden in lockers.

    • Only 1 set of perks.
    • You spawn in and hidden killers are highlighted in yellow
    • You can switch between them by hiding in a locker
    • Whenever you get in a locker you aim toward the direction of the one you wish to take over and your previous character would then be in the locker that you placed yourself in.
    • Feral frenzy activates whenever you jump out of the locker, you run fast and your hits deal damage but it only lasts 10 seconds. The stats for feral frenzy would remain the same (vaulting, speed)
    • You can choose when to jump out of the locker after you port.
    • There would be no cooldown on transportation
    • Feral frenzy would have a cooldown of 30 seconds.
    • Once feral frenzy is used on one character, it cannot be used again until you switch between characters.
    • Feral frenzy is activated from inside a locker ONLY.
    • If the feral frenzy cooldown is not complete, you will jump out of the locker as a basic m1 killer.
    • It takes 2 seconds to enter a locker
    • The distance between the characters you choose dictates how long it takes to teleport between them
    • If a survivor attempts to enter an occupied locker, The legion will pop out and one hit down them and enter the locker again (a new animation for this would need to be implemented) After they are downed, the feral frenzy goes into cooldown.

    Would this be OP. no. Would this be top tier, probably. Would this be fun for both sides? IT SOUNDS FUN. IMAGINE YOURE RUNNING AWAY FROM ONE GUY THEN HE DISAPPEARS AND YOU SEE ANOTHER KILLER OFF IN THE DISTANCE CHASING SOMEONE AS IF THERE IS A LEGION. I love the inspiration. I feel like he would be a sort of map pressure trapper in that feral frenzy is big now but you would have to plan it out.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    The whole point of frenzy is to run and stab people. I would not want this change. It makes no sense.