Some Ideas I had that I think could work

Hellbughunter Member Posts: 83
edited September 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Here are some Ideas i have. I play mostly Killer so there may be some bias. I don´t claim that these Ideas are the only way to go but i think the could make some parts of the game a bit better. Leave your opinion. Do you think they are good, bad or am i just a whiny killer main? What are your ideas?

1 Doctor: I think the Doctor could be made better by removing the slowdown on charging the shock therapy. It would allow the Doc to use it more effectiv to catch survivors at pallets and windows.

2 Wraith: I think the Wraith could benefite from a Idea that I got from the lore of him, where it states that you really have to calmdown and concentrat to see him when he is invisible, I sugest making it so that you can´t see the invisible Wraith while runing or interacting. That would allow him to get closer in open maps before being seen and make beeing invisible more usefull in the chase.

3 Nightmare: I think the Nightmare would benefit from an indication in with direction he looks when teleporting to a gen. For example make it so that the phantom has an aura you can see.

4 Trapper: I think the Trapper could benefit from:

A: Not being able to step in his own traps. It would allow him to shortcut through traped areas, making the trap more usefull against experienced survivors who are able to detect your traps more easly.

B: Having him start with all his traps in hand and making it so he can only pick them up to his max trap capasity. This would make it so he doesn´t waste that much time at the start placeing them because he doesn´t have to pick them up one by one from random places.

C: Reopening Traps would be nice and I am pretty sure that was mentioned in a Dev stream so we might could get that one day. Something I think would be necessary for reopen Traps is that once a survivor gets traped the Trap has to stay in its original place, in the courent system the trap is moved to the place the survivor steps in it´s activation radius.

D: I sugest removing the randomness of geting out of a trap and making it so that to free onesell out of a trap is a action that takes for example 30 seconds. The addons reduceing the escape chance would make escaping take longer. Together with point B it would remove some of the randomness of the trapper and make his power more consistent.

5 Monsterus Shrine: Make it that for every survivor currently hanging in your basement the killer gets buffs like for example speed or faster recovery or debuffs for survivors like blindness or exhaustion and having levels for 1, 2 and 3 survivors currently hanging. It, depending on the strengst of those buffs/debuffs, migth be necessary to make a radius around the basement where they don´t apply to not encourege camping but on the whole i thing this chance could make the perk much more fun to use.

6 Bloodworden: I think Bloodwarden could be made more usefull by making it so that when you hook someone when all gens are the doors get blocked as soon as one door is opened.

7 Door: I think the door pogression should slowly decay if not fully open. This would discurige the current strategy of 99% the doors. You would have to A) opening it completly and activate the colaps or risk it slowly regressing again. this would also somewhat buff Remember Me as the threshhole that can be lost is bigger.

8 Hatch: I sugest to A) put the hatch interuption back in or B) make it so that closing the hatch interupts survivors jumping through. I think it´s fair to say that in a one vs one situation like both survivor and killer being both at the hatch the killer should win. This would also make it so you can´t just escape with a key even if the killer is right behind you. I also sugest making it so that for every unfinished gen the hatch opens a few seconds later. For exsample lets say we make it 10 sec per Gen that would mean by 3 undone gens the hatch open 30 Sec later than it would now.

9: Some smaller Things:

Lockers: I would like if the lockers could be opened a bit from the side to make it so that you can counter Head On. It is somewhat frustrating to know that someone is in a locker but I can´t get him out because he can just use Head On before i can interact with the locker.

Adrenalin: I think it would be fair to make it that it only activates directly when the doors are powered, meaning that it is wasted when your on the killers shoulder or on a hook.

Decisive Strike: I think it would be better to make it so that Decisive Strike only activates when picked up from the ground. As it is DStrike is used offensivly by jumping in a locker or working on gens to make it so that the killer picks you up directly. Making it only work when picked up from the ground would make it more of a defencive perk, as the Killer has to chase and down you.

Edit September 2:

Some more ideas i have:

Status Effects: I think it could benefit some perks to make it so that the reason they happen is not revealed. I also think the cursed status effekt should be removed. These changes would for example buff huntress lullaby in comparisson to ruin because it would not reveal itself right away.

Walking Idle Animation: I would like to see some idle animation while walking like for example Freddys animation where he plays with his glove.

Adressing "Toxic behavier": I personally don´t care if you play toxic as long as you follow the rules and I don´t think it should be banable as long as it isn´t praying on low ranking survivors/killers on purpuse. I sugest giving the players the possebility to rate killers and survivors after the end of a match and A) make it so that the matchmaking favors players with good rankings or B) make it so players with low ratings play more against other players with low ratings. This would penalise a constantly toxic play style without baning and would leave room for a redemtion so to speak.

That are my Ideas, like I said at the start I might be bias towarts killer and these ideas might not even do what i think they would do but maybe one of them becomes reality.

Post edited by Hellbughunter on


  • Kumakx
    Kumakx Member Posts: 262
    edited September 2019

    I have neat idea for Trapper, either as an addon or extend to his ability:

    Every 30 (maybe 60?) seconds entity puts random unset trap into your bag.)

    I agree that freeing yourself from trap should have constant timer, maybe with skillchecks that could decrease (increase if missed) the time for escaping. Being released from the trap by another survivor would moderately decrease time needed to get out, while keeping the skillchecks. Addons reducing chance to escape trap would instead increase difficulty of skillchecks.

    Making trapper unable to step in his own trap could be a little bit of an overkill in my opinion - with good setup of traps you could just not be able to run away from him.

    Reopening traps sounds fine.