Micheal adept achievement

I've been adept achievement hunting and so far i'm only missing mikey, bubba, nurse and the plauge. I wont be getting/trying for the nurse as I get motion sickness TT^TT but with Micheal I think his so far has been the most frustrating and these ranks that I've been getting don't help the only reason I didn't get it this game is because I didn't kick enough gens honestly i'm not sure what to do to get his achievement at this point any advice would be helpful i'm a little tired of that fact killers have to have perfect games to get their achievements :/ (btw I loveeee lovee lovee playing scratch mirror myers its my fav way to play him)
It's usually best to wait for rank reset for the trickier adepts.
Leatherface and Plague are not that difficult: Just utilize a high level BBQ&C with Leatherface and you'll get there. With Plague, keep infecting survivors (and objects to infect survivors) so they have to cleanse themselves, giving you a good supply of corrupt purge. Corrupt purge can be overkill for loopers, pallet droppers, window jumpers and hook rescuers.
The Nurse can be tricky. I found this tough. I found using the asylum or Gideon maps make the adept easier as you're more contained and Nurse's Call works at it's best.
With Myers:
Play with scratched mirror and use an add-on to get evil quicker.
Use high level versions of his perks.
Maybe use a very thick fog offering to help with stalking.
Don't kill people with Tier 3 evil tombstone perks (or mori of course).
After hooking a survivor, go hunting for others and damaging gens.
Getting a standard hit in first is better than a straight tier 3 down.
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Unfortunately, the emblem system is broken on killer, since gatekeeper is completely in the survivor's hands.
I have unlocked it, but because of the following:
Ignore the obsession as much as possible. Only down them with tier 3 if you can, because that will give you stacks of PWYF, as well as conserving stacks of STBFL. The obsession will get cocky when they realize you are actively not hitting them, meaning they will try to come to you a lot.
I would not use scratched mirror myers, since he cannot get any faster nor be anymore powerful. I'd play normal myers, using dead rabbit can help catch people in tier 2.
Using a three gen strat can be very useful toward endgame, but you want to find people as quickly as possible. Disrupting a gen in progress will help you get a better gatekeeper emblem.