Is it normal to be against rank 3's at rank 17?

I was just in a killer match against a rank 11, 12, 5 and 3. How is this fair for low ranks?
Best Answer
Matchmaking is currently extremely out of wack. You're supposed to go against survivors and killers ideally in whatever color rank you are I.E 20-17 is brown. 16-13 is yellow. 12-9 is green. 8-5 is purple. 4-1 is red. You used to be against players around your skill level. Now you go against anyone in any rank. I think this may be because the game doesn't want you to be in the lobby forever so it forces players of varying ranks into your lobby.
I just signed up for this to ask the same question! I love this game but I am about to be done.. I just played 5 games in a row where I was a rank 15 killer and had 2 red ranks each game. They are playing swf and baiting in the lower ranks to troll and farm. When I Played survivor earlier, I was a rank 14 and had a rank 2 killer. It takes the fun out for me 😕
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I'm a rank 16 solo survivor on PS4, and when I played earlier I went up against a rank 2 killer. There were two other rank 16 survivors and a rank 5; I got to watch as 3 survivors ended up hooked all at the same time before the second gen even popped.
Same thing happened yesterday, except I was solo and the other survivors were rank 2s, just like the killer. That actually felt worse, because I think they were a three-man; they let me die on my first hook.
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For some reason the ranking system if all over the show, on both PC and PS4 for myself. You can have starter levels against pro levels. It's a wind-up.
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With the game's current matchmaking system, absolutely.
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Yes. I don't see a reason why not. After all the rank doesn't mean you're good Right? :P
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Rank 3 does mean your good. You have gotten through seventeen ranks against harder and harder killers. This is not fair.
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Well, I was being sarcastic if you didn't notice.
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Oh. I feel awful now, sorry! I didn't realise that. Well i'm sorry and thanks for responding.
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Yes.. I've noticed playing killer and survivor, I see ranks from all colors. The only time I feel you should experience this issue is at rank reset when everyone is playing out of their normal rank. Dbd at it's finest!!
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it is pretty hard to see you are being sarcastic. anyway i agree this is a big problem whether you are a survivor or a killer. surely there are enough players to be teamed up with the same skill set.
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Agreed! The game isn't that dead. At least keep the red ranks with purple. People love to troll. Makes them feel good for some reason.
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I think it has something to do with the current ptb, i expect it to be much better after the 13th
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Well, the Matchmaking system isn't perfect, and then there's the fact that not every rank has a bunch of Survivors and Killers at that rank
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Im not on PC.
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Inn on ps4