Possible Sprint Burst change
Wrote another post on the PTB about my feedback for the newest patch where I also gave a suggestion to how to balance Sprint Burst instead of nerfing Exhaustion in general. Sprint Burst is clearly still the strongest perks since it still counters Ambush Killers and still have no form of activation condition. It's still the superior choice as long as exhaustion addons for killers exist. Just wanted to post it here under balance feedback too.
After running for 7/6/5 seconds, break into a sprint at 150 % your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds.
Causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.
Exhaustion time is doubled if constantly running
If a chase begins Sprint Burst can only be activated within the first 10 seconds of it
Sprint Burst won't activate mid chase, if exhaustion runs out you have to have escaped the killer before Sprint Burst can activate again
This way Sprint Burst doesn't counter Ambush Killers and won't activate mid chase. Sprint Burst would now only work early on in the chase and help you escape after losing the killer and won't activate if you constantly keep looping. Sprint Burst can still be activated without being in a chase.
Constructive feedback is appreciated!