Pharmacy & Technician

"...and the noises they cause along with their hearing distances are reduced by 8 meters."
"The noises caused by your Repairs and their hearing distance are reduced by 8 meters."
This wording in these descriptions bothers me.
More specifically, why "noises" is mentioned to also be reduced in range.
Don't they mean that the volume is reduced of "noises"?
I mean, there's only one source of sound for each Perk, so if both "noises" & "hearing distance" do exist and are reduced in range, wouldn't that result in 16 meters?
Or is it simply that it's a useless part of the description as "noises" aren't actually changed when equipping said Perk(s)?
Best Answer
Pharmacy makes the "searching through chest" noises much quieter by lowering volume of the action. Actually opening and closing the chest is still full volume though, I think.
Technician makes the repair interaction noise quieter by lowering the volume of the interaction. The generator itself makes the full volume piston sounds regardless of whether the perk is used or not.
Did this help?
That definitely helped clear it up, many thanks. 😊
That also means the description could use some updating.
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Yeah, well you have to keep the perks reasonable. Can you imagine if Technician made the actual piston noises quieter? That would be completely absurd!
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Not the functions, the description.