Huntress: If I use a TR reducing perk, is there a deadzone?

So if I use a Perk, say, Monitor, and my TR is now 12 instead of 20, is that 8 metre difference a deadzone between the humming and the TR? Or does the humming-heartbeat threshold change too?
what I mean is: if I use Monitor to make the TR 12M, in that 8 metre difference, does the humming still play? Or is that 8 metres a deadzone between the two radii?
Best Answers
Humming isn't affected at all. Just heartbeat. Same if you used insidious. Hum same range but no heartbeat.
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the lullaby is not considered to be a Terrorradius, so Terrorradius effects dont apply to it.
if you use a perk to reduce your Terrorradius, you will only reduce the TR. its the same for Freddies Lullaby.
this goes for any perk that affects the TR. unnerving presence, overwhelming presence, tinkerer, pebble, borrowed time, etc. none of these trigger with the lullaby.
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The lullaby extends from the Huntress to 45m and overlaps the TR. You just can't hear the lullaby while inside the TR.
So if you use M&A, your TR will be 12m and the lullaby will start at that point. No deadzones.
So it's to the effect that that 8 metres is a deadzone between the two radii then
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No, you can hear the humming for another 8 metres. When she is in a 12 metre radius, you'll start to hear the Terror Radius, so there is no dead zone.