BHVR - You need to do these 2 overdue QoL improvements!

1) Show in the after match chat who is disconnected and who is present.
This is far more important now that MLGA won't work with dedicated servers. Why has this never implemented?
I'd like to know if the survivor I'm addressing (as a fellow survivor or as a killer) has left the chat or is still there to hear my words. Whats the use talking to someone not present?
2) Show hook counter for each survivor.
Why the hell am I still being forced to try to remember which survivor I hooked how many times? An honest "mistake" just makes salty survivors go "tunneler wah wah" when I literally lost count and track especially when there are 3 Claudettes playing.
I'm really not sure how these 2 core things have not been implemented yet, but BHVR, get your butts on it!
I like the hook counter idea. I often forget, even the best streamers I watch still sometimes forget.
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I really like both of these. They'd help both sides. It really sucks trying to offer advice or give props to someone who already skedaddled
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Here’s an easy implementation idea for the hook counter idea:
You know the Entity legs around the icon of the obsession? They twitch when you chase the obsession so you know you’re after the right survivor.
The idea is to put these twitchy legs around ALL survivor icons. I feel like this fits with the mood of the game better than just slapping numbers on them. A few other points:
- The legs around the survivor icons will have a color progression for each stage of sacrifice (green->yellow->red or some such).
- The twitching animation of the legs will be visible ONLY to the killer (so that survivors aren’t informed any time any teammate is in a chase).
- The obsession, when there is one, has a glowy background behind the legs. As is currently the case, the twitching of this icon will be visible to ALL players.
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First one's fine.
As for the second? Nah, keeping track of hooks, on both sides, and more importantly, losing track of them because there's a lot to keep track of, is part of the fun of the game. Make it visible and you're going to get things like survivors who haven't been hooked constantly throwing themselves in front of the killer when a survivor on the last hook is being chased (better for the team as a whole if I lose one hook rather than we all lose one teammate), survivors all leaving the game immediately (or hatch camping or locker hiding or other behaviors appropriate to the current state of the game) when the killer catches someone that they now all know is on their last hook, removing instances where they get close enough to try to make a save that turns out to be unnecessary and thus expose themselves to risk (or blood warden).
Let the game be uncertain.
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Actually, it's almost never a problem for me as a survivor to keep track of my OWN hooks. That's not the point. Main point is to allow killers to see hook counter for survivors. I don't mind it would be visible for the survivors as well, but that's not the main point.
Also, I disagree with your reasoning. When I'm a survivor, a hook counter for myself is moot. I doubt anyone forgets more than almost never how many times THEY were hooked. If someone wasn't hooked, he doesn't need a hook counter to remind them they "can throw themselves at a killer". So I really can't agree with your reasons why not to implement it.
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Also, I'd like you to know I do manage to keep track of how many times I hooked each survivors on most of my games.
However, there is nothing fun in trying to memorize that information. It's tedious, doesn't add anything to the game, and makes life harder for killers that are trying to avoid tunneling and trying to promote a fun game for everyone. It's a well needed QoL change.
Your argument is clearly false in light of new stuff introduced to the game, such as displaying offerings burned, or displaying which addons you used. It's the same thing. Players shouldn't be forced to memorize those useless details every game.
I would like to hear your counter arguments for that.