Regarding the Removal/Reduction of Vacuums...


While I think this is a very good idea, there is one thing in particular I am concerned about: Pallet saves becoming a new meta.

So previously, pallet saves have been nearly impossible due to the extremely large vacuum range on pickups for downed Survivors. With the stun radius and timing being so lenient it may still be possible even if the Killer picks someone up from as far as possible, but the frame of success was very limited.

One of the planned updates is to remove the vacuum on pickups. This makes flashlight saves considerably easier, but that isn't what I want to talk about. I think instead that pallet saves will be a much more damning problem.

The way I see it now: The good/safe loops will be used to their fullest extent during chases, like before. Survivors may lose 1 loop with the pallet vacuum being removed, the rest of the consequences are something they can adapt to.
Pallets that are unsafe will not be used in chases. Instead, they will be a safe place for a Survivor to go down at, knowing the Killer cannot pick them up without being stunned.

The timing for stuns on pallets is much easier than on flashlights. You simply drop the pallet the moment the Killer starts moving. You can be on either side, you do not need the Killer to be facing any particular direction, and you do not need an item to do so. Anyone can drop the pallet to get the save. In fact you have a larger window of time to reach the Killer to get the save since you only have to be there to drop it at the very end, instead of being there a second early, like you need to in order to start a blind.

The timing is easy enough for most people to get the save consistently, and seeing how much easier it is to do than a flashlight save (with no counters like FD or LB, not even Enduring will help you against a pallet save), I'm worried about the effect this will have on gameplay. This may be a new meta for Survivors, specifically SWF teams. Pallet looping may be worse off than before, but instead there will be a new, grander use for safe pallets that were previously worthless. In fact, even if Survivors do screw up by being too reliant on the old pallet vacuum - when they go down they'll just be inside of the pallet anyway.

This all of course depends on how much the vacuum is reduced or if it is completely removed, but this is something to be aware of and test during the upcoming PTB. I may just be wrong about the whole thing and pallet saves will still be too difficult to rely on so strongly.


  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    This may become a huge issue, especially paired with SWF + Sprint Burst.

    Not to mention the POINTS you get for pallets stun rescues, that are just enormous, as well as a stack of WGLF.