WGLF needs a Buff

AK2H Member Posts: 2
edited September 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Survivor mains always ask for double bloodpoints event, because its harder to gain BP as survivor whereas almost every killer use BBQ and gain x2 every single match, I think WGLF needs a buff without adding any game-breaking ability, doubling the existing bonus would be the perfect solution.

Each time you perform a Safe Hook Rescue or take a hit to protect a Survivor, gain a 50% stack-able bonus to all Bloodpoint gains up to a maximum of 100/150/200 %.

bring this perk back to META and make life easier for survivors, its no secret that many survivor mains play killer now and then only to grind bloodpoints.


  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    "BUt sURvIvoRs ShOulDN't GEt mOrE BloOdPoINtS, tHeRE aRe 4 OF tHeM"

    It's not a secret that killer queue times are longer, if survivors would get more bloodpoints maybe it will reduce problem with the waiting time.

  • AK2H
    AK2H Member Posts: 2

    and If the buff is too strong they can make it like this:

    Each time you perform a Safe Hook Rescue or take a hit to protect a Survivor, gain a 50% stack-able bonus to all Bloodpoint gains up to a maximum of 50/100/150 %.

  • jball22
    jball22 Member Posts: 13

    I agree and a altruistic ability to go with protecting and saving your teammate

  • Macmillan
    Macmillan Member Posts: 100

    Com certeza isso merece um BUFF, quando se joga de sobrevivente é muito ruim de conseguir bastante BP porque para salvar um sobrevivente você compete com outros 3 sobreviventes que vão querer salvar salvar o 4° sobrevivente do gancho, já o killer não tem ninguém para ele competir e ganhar os pontos, isso realmente merece um buff.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    It is not an equivalent perk to BBQ.

    BBQ is useful own its own and has a bonus for doing something you supposed to do. But WGLF, is useless own its own and has a hard to earn tokens. Personally I don't give a perk slot to WGLF despite always needing the blood points.

    I think they should rework WGLF. It should have some altruistic benefit and healing tokens added to it. That way maybe I can run it more often.