What is expected of killers..?

So rumors are spreading that the demi gorgon may be nerfed..well..its more than rumor now isnt it? Increased cooldown on his lunge..but there is also rumor of more happening..including slower teleportation
..tell me devs..why is it you've taken a stance on "just apply pressure" when 1 by one..killers new and old are being stripped of map pressure and chase tools? And why is it..we cant get perks that'll actually be impactful enough to help with this? Seems rather two sided..killers need the tools to apply pressure against experianced players, anyone can smash a rank 16 barely out of his first few matches ..but anyone who knows where the broken loops are and your forced to take them out or they'll get repeatedly used until you do, not to mention some loops have zero mind game due to how short the walls are..and those same loops cant even be utilized by huntress because the hit box on them is so much higher and there are no gaps..
Look..I love you guys like frustrating relatives..but things are going to get changed and the power gap of survivor to killer is about to get wider..and even when the changes start coming to get killers brought up to meet it..itll be months of updates likely on 1 or 2 killers max per update..we need something to hold back the storm till then..I'm telling you killers have been very patient but it can only be pushed so far before it feels like it doesnt matter how killers feel anymore..I know a lot feel as I do on this but I'm trying to hope and stay reasonable..but we need something because the roof is leaking and the rain fast approaches
Demogorgon should not be nerfed I agree. The apply pressure, means they want you to slug which is unfun for survivors so they should also do something about gens speed. I agree with you.
Also, have I faced you before? I remember your name. I go by the name of 'Poweas' or 'Druggie.' on steam.
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I'm a ps4 player so not likely lol
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Oh lol, probably someone called immortal XD.
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Likely yes XD but I'm the only true one 0.0
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I knew it..it was the creepy dude with the buzz cut all along..hes doing this XD
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The problem is even bigger than that. Devs somehow expect Killers to be the "skillful role". Make a tiny mistake, like missing a hit (though, honestly that is more RNG than actual skill), respecting/disrespecting a pallet (depending on the case), misplaced a portal? Poof goes your power.
Meanwhile, Survivors are the "casual role". Oh, you like unsafe unhooks? Have a perk for that, no problem. Get "tunnelled"? Have another free chance. Oh, your perk isnt triggering because counterplay? Have a mechanic which allows you to have no counter for your perk, and we will defend that decision. Fortunately, these cases are just a few, and thats comforting at least.
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I like the killer being the high skill role..makes it more interesting , but theres that and then theres being under equipped
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devs hate killers
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not much tbh,
just the impossible.
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Certainly feels like it some days..dont want to believe it
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Just take a break for a while. Have you heard of Civ 6? It's a fun game that fits perfectly in that dbd shaped space in your playlist. Or maybe try Blasphemous or River City girls.
That is what they want us to do.
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They want us to improve, they want us to apply pressure, usually by slugging and hooking and they want us to give constructive feedback on topics that we feel need a change.
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Rumors are rumours..but my real point was there is confirmation the demogorgan receiving a hit to his power before release..I just stated we dont know if other changes are going with it..my point of this post was simply to highlight that despite the new "apply pressure" stance the team has taken you dont seem to want to allow us to do so effectively , that goes way past just the demogorgan
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Hard to do so when we are not getting the tools we need to do it..its not impossible but now is not the time to be weakening every killer they touch for the next few months for reasons I explained
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Hopefully not that's counter productive lol
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I stopped reading after "rumours".
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Didnt realize I wasnt allowed to make a human mistake
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I'm positive you won't do that mistake again next time. Waiting for official information is always a better alternative to creating rant threads on baseless rumours.
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Killers aren't allowed to make human's mistakes
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is there a official comment about demogorgon nerfs? if so pls link the source. i dont know what to believe anymore.
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You didnt read the whole thread
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It's on a thread asking about demogorgan statistics , may be in the ptb section
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The cooldown nerf is changing the big lunge from 2 seconds to 2.25 to prevent alternate travel methods (e.g. Legion lunging repeatedly) last I heard. Its not a big deal if you're using Demo as intended. At best its around 1 meter more for the survivor to travel.
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Changes like those can be massive in chases, besides we dont know for sure if that is all or not..I'm speaking from a track record on the last 3 killers
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It doesn't matter the type of change, It's the fact that it is drop in performance for the killer when he is beatable and can be outplayed. I'm not going to lie, but i was expecting his add-on to be similar like Billy where they improve his Charge time(For lunge), his charge speed MS(Billy Engraving add-on), and Lunge distance. Those are his relevant parameters that improve his Lunge attack which is only redeeming part of kit with lunge mind games. They instead went with Pig's archetype where most of add-on improve portals and majority of the add-on effects are not the ones that he wants. The key parameters for his portals are portal building time, Burrow time+Traversing time and time-taken to destroy the portals. Right now, his portals are way too slow for map pressure and without add-on, they're time-efficient to break and their reward for not being broken is pretty poor, It only gives surveillance perk on generators and totems. They just feel really clunky to use and somewhat of huge time sink for killer like Trappers traps with less reward. I'd go to explain why those parameters are most useful for the demogorgon, but it'd be pretty long explanation, though some of it can be explained through other killers add-on like Billy, Nurse, Hag, and Trapper who possess similar or exactly the same add-on types.
I don't want anyone to take my post as whining, but more of feedback/opinion about the new killer.
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Expected? By some, whine that you are entitled to 4ks. Others, for you to start your game and walk away from the computer. My advice? Just play the game and "gg" then leave.
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This was mostly a joke, after looking at the forums.
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Ah..yes I see..well I suppose you arnt wrong
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The very minor Nerf to the lunge cooldown was just to fix the fact that rapid lunging allowed for faster movement than simply running... This isn't going to make any noticeable difference.
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You dont know that..that's the point I'm making
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Killermains rise up
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@UlvenDagoth Hey, buddy, I never "gg" after a match. I keep my chat box permanently closed and just leave.
If I wanted to risk toxicity, I'd go swim in a nuclear power plant's run-off. 😁