So this auto aim thing: Edit- I'm not alone

Is that why sometimes the screen will just pull to one side or the other? I honestly thought it was possibly a bad connection or something, but, I just played my first game as Billy (was never a fan of the whole chain saw thing) on several occasions, while trying to lead/anticipate the path of the survivor while chain saw sprinting, he'd just vere off and hit what I was trying to avoid. Never noticed it that hard until just now
Edit- Awesome how it also neeeeeever helps when the survivor pulls a 360°
I think it's the hit detection not "auto-aim" that occasionally "pulls your camera" from one side to another causing missed attacks that should/could have connected. Correct me if I'm wrong.
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Basically the hitbox of your attack collided with the thing you hit, period, and then the camera jerked in response to that.
But the game deciding you hit something happens first. The camera jerk is just a visual representation of something the game already calculated independently of that.
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What ever it is, it feels very broken and I've always figured it was last or something, like I have a slight left on the stick and it continued to register. But the degree it just happened with Bubba while I was trying to figure out the saw was hard to ignore.
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It would also happen while out in the open, not attacking
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Yeah, it only seems to be on console. The devs have repeatedly said there is no such thing as auto aim and that it's the visual item trying to match with the hitbox. I don't know about that, if you play on console, you know that feeling when your aim gets dragged 47º to the left.
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Just remember, the devs will try to make you think that there is "no auto aim" when there really is
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I agree, I'm also on console.
Edit: And I feel like it has definitely gotten worse over the last weeks/months.
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I'm not sure about the whole getting worse thing, but, my memory isn't what it used to be, so you could be right.
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@Pulsar I only play console, so I don't have a comparison to pc, but you put it exactly right. Also it does seem to be always too the left and even will continue to do it with a hard right correction to try and bring it back to where I'm trying to go.
@NoShinyPony I feel it's gotten worse too. I feel like it never use to happen or it was very minor. I haven't played in a couple weeks due to work, and the two games I played last night had it happen a few times each game, and very blatantly.
It's nice to know that I'm not just trippin, Cause I figured they're is no such thing as aim.
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I'd have to agree I play on PC and XBX1 and when I play on my XBX1 instead of my PC I notice a drag that makes me miss... Usually this happens when they swerve left and right and instead of easily hitting them for that my camera either makes me stop lunging or does something weird with the camera...
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Community: Why did you guys put in Auto-Aim?
Developers: We don't know what your talking about, we never have and never will put in a "Auto Aim" mechanic in DBD.
Community: Posts clear and obvious evidence of Auto-Aim being actual thing that exists
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This is what happens to me on PS4. The survivor will literally be right in front of me, I'm looking right at them and the hit appears to be unmissable... but then the camera jerks side to side and I miss.
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It's not quite auto aim. Basically what happens is you swing, the game checks, "Is there someone in range?" If there is, it pulls you towards them and moves your camera towards them to dress up the hit and make it look like it connects. If there isn't, it does nothing. If you missed, you missed, it won't turn you around to make you hit someone. Short version is that it's just theatrics after the fact, not actually helping you aim.
We're looking into issues where that happens but a hit does not connect (e.g. the game pulls you into a wall, causing you to miss your attack). If you have any examples where it's clearly visible, please let us know and we'll take a look.
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Survivor: Moves in a slightly jittery motion.
Killer's camera: Now it's time to get funky
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Thank you for responding!! :) when I hop on today I'll record some footage and see if I cant share anything.
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The game move the killer weapon hitbox = auto aim
The game move the only the model and camera = not auto aim
You said , that you guys will fix this "auto wall attacking",
but its still auto aim.
If there is, it pulls you towards them and moves your camera towards them to dress up the hit and make it look like it connects.
This should only move the model and the camera, but not the killer weapon hitbox.
The current version is auto aim.
The bugs prove it.
Yes it doesnt help the player but it still move the hitbox.
We could call it hit scan+moved hitbox , too.
But we are humans and we are lazy.
So its auto aim.
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I'm not sure how I can clarify it any further, but auto aim would be if the game helped you get hits when you should have missed. This does not do that. If you missed, you miss. The game checks to see if you hit someone and then makes it look pretty. The issue is that the "look pretty" part is sometimes causing you to hit a wall instead, and that part is not intended.
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@Peanits Why does the game check it when the killer's weapon is still up in the air far away from the survivor? Shouldn't it only do those checks once the killer's weapon is extended forwards?
A nice way to try this and realize it's a problem is trying to lunge past someone working on a generator. Try it. The game will force turn your camera on the survivor even before you should have hit him, as the game registers a hit way too early when there would still be time to miss. I feel that this is the "hitbox" issue that many players also talk about.
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Basically when you attack, the game creates a cone in front of you. If there's a survivor in this cone, the game will register a hit. While you're lunging, that cone stays active and in front of you until you finish swinging your weapon. So as you lunge past a survivor, if they're within that cone, the game will register you as having hit them and stop your lunge.
If they are not within that cone, though, you missed and the game will not adjust you.
If you're talking about something specific and happen to have a clip of it, I would be happy to take a look. Though it should behave as expected when you lunge past someone on a generator (and typically does, from my experience).