Is doing a 360 an exploit?

I realized that the camera is the survivors advantage in a trial and could be used to troll killers.
Best Answers
Not an exploit. Just inventive use of game mechanics :P
The difference is whether the devs consider it an exploit, which they do not.
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it should be considered one tho
I've tested how far this strategy could go by hiding behind the killers legs after a chase.
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It's more difficult in higher ranks, and more difficult in PC than in console. I'm sure people do it, but I've mostly just had the pleasure of laughing at people failing.
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Lol I've seen fails myself but the killer is bound by auto-aim and is just as funny
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it's not funny when u lose to people just using exploits at high ranks..i was 1 pip from getting rank 1 before and i got denied by someone who 360'd me and made me depip coz i rage quit
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Well exploits are not all bad I suppose if it stays in the game.
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Once you have played a lot of killer you start to do a 45-90 degree swing with your basic attack for the most part. Then your swing attack is basically a cone attack instead of just the lunge and it's incredibly hard to 360. Sometimes you can get cucked by autoaim but it's rare.
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(it's already a cone, if you look up dev commentary and do some measuring)