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Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

Question: a new game mode that allows the killer/survivor to train against a bot on a local server. One example could be to choose a location (killer shack, infinity loops, random spots on different maps, etc...) where the survivor can choose between all killer bots. The survivor would only be able to move near the chosen spot, which would reduce the loading and force the player to practice on one thing.

There could also be some options before entering:

The survivor can't be downed.

Pallets will respawn.

The player could choose between all perks (even for the killer bot)

Vice versa goes for the player who wants to practice killer.

Please don't reply with "just play the game" or " get good".

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  • Member Posts: 3,703

    Yeah I think offline would be a good way or helping new players break in and hone their skills.

  • Member Posts: 428

    definitely a good idea! i am such a good survivor but really bad as a killer. something to practice on makes perfect sense especially if the game needs more killers.

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    I wish offline was an option, at least for killers... but the main issues are:

    1. not many want this
    2. it'd be very hard to program
    3. it'd take people off of the main servers.
    4. How would cosmetics fit into this?
  • Member Posts: 7,314

    KYF exists for a reason, you can practice with friends there with no consequences what so ever.

    The issue is, programming A.I. that can think rationally and critically in a chase isn't an easy feat, and a lot of other aspects need to be put into account with an offline mode...

    The absence of a "brain" when it comes to facing Survivors really does make a "real scenario" or not...

  • Member Posts: 811

    What? Its not hard, its very easy, since its an localhost server you don't need to send packets to anyone, its even more easy to make. I think its perfect for new players to get the mechanics of the Killers, using their powers and so on.

    The bots don't need an incridible AI, just make that the bots run away from you when they're inside the killer's terror radius, trying to go to near pallets. You can also get the same thing with low ranks, they are very well trained bots and almost don't touch gens if you do a little pressure on them.

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    But that's the problem, they wouldn't be very good or very intelligent. They wouldn't be a challenge... and that's just with killers like Wraith and Clown which are the worst killers right now.

  • Member Posts: 811

    I know, but my point is to be able to practice with the killer you want, It doesn't matter the AI level. It helps new players to see where loops are, using the killer's power and a lot of things.

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    True. But the bots won't help you train against bad loops, though. I'd still want it regardless. : P

  • Member Posts: 811

    Yep practically the player will always get them in any loop, the important thing is to just practice. But I doubt they're gonna implement it.

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    Yep. I wish they'd do it, but they won't, because it won't make them money.

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    You don't sound like someone with a lot of experience coding AI. Good AI, even decent AI (decent enough to actually be worth anything as a training mechanic) is very difficult and time-consuming to code well, regardless of how seemingly simple the movement is. No one is saying that it couldn't be done or that it's a bad idea, just that the devs have enough on their plate at the moment as it is to devote so much time and resources to a project like AI development.

  • Member Posts: 811

    Did you played the tutorial? There's an survivor AI, its not great, but thats enough. CTRL C + CTRL V. I don't code AI's but I have programming experiences.

  • Member Posts: 8,342
    edited September 2019

    I have played the tutorial. A more experienced programmer may correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that survivor is programmed to respond to very specific input. You do the thing the tutorial tells you to, and that triggers the survivor to perform a specific action. Something like a training ground, in which the player could experiment with different strategies, would require something much more complicated to be effective. It's not just a matter of copying code across.

    Again, not saying it couldn't be done or that it wouldn't be helpful, just that it would require more resources than (I expect) they have available to devote to it right now.

  • Member Posts: 811

    The AI responds to the moviments of the Killer. You can just follow the bot and he will always run away from you, if you try to cut him off on an edge, he will turn around and run in the opposite way. I'm talking about the Meg bot btw, the one that drops an pallet in the start.

    Well I don't think they're gonna put effort on something that most people will probably not use, plus the fact the devs are very lazy.

  • Member Posts: 391

    maybe not bots, but a simple solo free play mod with map selection for killers, and survivors. That way new players could explore maps in their own time.

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    So lazy that they go out of their way to frequent the forums and respond to ideas and feedback, host streams for the sole purpose of keeping the players in the loop on what they're working on, and constantly go back and iterate on previous designs based on player feedback to improve game balance and user experience. It's really very obvious to anyone who isn't taking a deliberately cynical approach that the developers are passionate about this game and making it the best that it can be, and they're clearly going out of their way to heavily involve the players in that process.

    But yeah... if you believe that the devs are just lazy and that's the only reason why they wouldn't implement difficult-to-execute mechanics like this, then I don't know what to say. I rest my case.

  • Member Posts: 811

    I think the word lazy was not used properly, my point is, they're too slow to do what they need. With the new stuff they added in the PTB, that is something I liked and they have put effort onto it.

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    Yeah, I can agree with that. I think they just don't have the scale to be able to execute a lot of these things quickly.

    I apologise for jumping down your throat a bit there. I just get sick of people on here calling the devs stupid and lazy because they're not 100% satisfied with the direction the game is going at the moment. But it was unfair to take that out on you as I did.

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