why do't i sometimes get a second chance on the hook?

when i get grabbed for the second time, put on the hook, expect to struggle, instead instantly took by entity. it doesn't matter if i'm the obsession or not. why is this?
If you reach the struggle state, even on your first hook, you will die on your next.
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thanks for answer! it has been happening a lot recently. new season started on rank 11 or 12 and puts me with a bunch 18-20's. almost every game now. i know usually the ranking system can be a bit messy, is it getting worse, or is it because there are so many noobs. either way doesn't make sense.
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there are 3 hook stages:
1) the summoning phase: in this phase the entity will be summoned around your hook slowly. you can try to escape the hook during this phase, but this has a very slim chance to work (4%). failing an escape attempt will cut your time in phase 1 by a huge amount, so you end up damaging yourself more than when you just wait. you can attempt to escape up to 3 times before the hook stage will get skipped. when the entity has fully formed, you will enter phase 2. this hook stage lasts 60 seconds. you can be rescued during this phase.
2) the struggle phase: in this phase the entity has fully formed around your hook and will try to sacrifice you. you have to fight back by repeatedly hitting spacebar. failing will skip this phase imediately and you will be sacrificed. this stage lasts 60 seconds. you can be rescued during this phase.
3) the sacrifice phase: in this stage, the entity has finally overpowered you and you have been sacrificed. during this sacrifice process, the hook will be destroyed. this stage only lasts a few seconds and you can not be rescued once it has started.
whenever you get rescued from the hook, the stage you have been in will be skipped next time you get hooked, allowing you to be hooked up to 3 times a match.
when you hit a new stage while on the hook, your possible hooks for that match will decrease by 1, so if you hit the struggle phase you will immediately be sacrificed the next time you have been hooked.
being the obsession also has no affect on how the hooks work. if one survivor has become the killers obsession, that means there is a special obsession perk in the game on eigther the survivor side or the killer side. those perks have differing effects for the obsession, as they drastically change how your game will play out. being the obsession is usually beneficial to you though, as it means the killers obsession perks will deactivate as soon as you die.
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thanks for your answer too! how do you get chance to be hooked for the 3rd time?
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sorry if you have already explained this and i don't understand.
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glad i could help ^^
so, for each time you get hooked you enter one of the hook stages.
your first hook will place you in the summoning phase, being rescued and rehooked will put you in the struggle phase and finally, after being hooked a 3rd time, you enter the sacrifice stage.
so even though you are able to be hooked 3 times, you can only be rescued twice. your 3rd hook will be your last, as the entity will immediately sacrifice you at that point.
also, another thing i'd like to mention would be that no matter how many times you were hooked, if you are the last survivor in the trial, you will immediately skip to the sacrifice phase, so the game comes to an end.
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the thing is tho, i am so sure i have been unhooked for the 3rd time. happened a few times but a long time ago now...strange
thanks for answering original question guys! : )