Rituals changes are already here, and they are great!

OMG, IT LOOKS SO COOL. (But only on mobile version)
One Question: Devs, when will you add this to the PC and PS versions?!
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Screenshot please? I need to see this.
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What changes?
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Are u serious?
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Thanks for telling us what they are.
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Thank you, sire.
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Holy ######### this looks awesome!!
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Holy jeezus.
Put this on console and pc. Right now. That is wonderful.
The best daily ritual I have ever seen. More objectives! Better rewards! It's pleasing to LOOK AT!!
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Must be hard to get bloodpoints on that version.
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"Open the exit gates 2 times as the killer"
Time to equip bloodwarden and noed. XD
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You get auric cells too for this? WOW
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You pay auric cells it seems!
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You pay for refreshing ritual
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Looks like you need to pay Auric Cells to re-roll the Ritual.
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Not really cool though, one buck to re roll?
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That... kinda sucks
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First refreshing on each ritual is free.
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I just have refreshed them already
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Wait, does this mean all dailies wont be a free recycle? I'm not spending auric cells to remove a daily that I'll never attempt/complete.
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Fair enough :)
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Hook survivors 25 times for 40k? Booo.
A simple doctor ritual nets you 30k within the first minute of the match.
We need rituals like the blood dance one, a nice ammount of bp and shards if you complete 3 tasks.
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The bps level is probably adjusted to the mobile version
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So I get a daily for huntress. I dont play her and recycle. I get a plague daily. I dont play her and now have to spend irl currency to get a mission I can do. That's bullshit.
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Or...you just play them once and do it.
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350 for cleansing 2 Totems?
Holy moly, i want these.
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There are too many perks and characters to grind. Why we get only one rituel for a day?
Make it 4 daily rituels (2 for survivor, 2 for killer side) I don't think that hurts bp economy.
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Is this real?
Holy ######### I'm happy
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That looks pretty cool
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Never mind the boo, this looks great
When will it hit consoles?
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Wait, so you get three new dailies everyday, right? Otherwise these rewards would be way worse than what we have right now, even if the variety is better.
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Is it free only once or once per day?
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When is the U.S. release?
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Rituals. I am still getting tons of Killer Rituals. I play survivor mostly because it takes too long to lobby for a killer.
I am not impressed.
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Those changes are actually pretty cool
If they came to PC that would be great!
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The weekly rituals looks pretty cool but oh my those are some stingy rewards. The only good one is the cleanse two totems for 5k bp and 350 shards. If this concept did come to pc/consoles the rewards better be more rewarding.
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So, I'm forced to play someone I dont want to. Or spend money.
No. #########. That.
The fact that you could recycle one a day free was fine. Charging to recycle again is stupid and greedy.
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Cleanse two totems? Holy easy ritual, Batman.
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so, are these meant to be universal changes, or is this gonna be a mobile version only thing?
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Auric cells for that.
No thanks.
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There's a timer on the screens, so I take it the Daily and Weekly Rituals have a deadline? So if you don't do the Daily Rituals one day, the next day you'll still have new ones?
Which means you don't have to do or trash a ritual to get rid of it; if it requires Auric Cells to recycle, you can leave it be and it'll go away once the day/week is up?
If that's the case, I like this change and want to see it hit consoles.
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Oh no...I need to play a different character once to complete this thing I don't have to complete...what will I ever do?
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You can also unlock teachables at level 20 instead of 30...maybe give us that too?
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Hype :D when will this get released on pc and console? Devs plz answer us:)
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"rescue 25 survivors from the hook" besides the other 2 tasks and only 90k bps? Looks like a downgrade to me.
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Paying for rituals and weekly's, I don't really know if it's the greatest idea. It makes it seem like P2W or P2W for people who pay for it. It should be free, only the initial "battle pass" should cost 10$ dollars and the rest is re-rolled every day, except for the weekly.
It looks cool, but it's ridiculous what they want. Maybe to re-roll early, then sure, but... Or am I overly wrong? Is the extra auric cells just to re-roll sooner than the timer runs out? I'm confused!
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Bloodpoints are not p2w, u can earn them easy with playing. Something becomes p2w when you can only get a weapon/perk with money and that particular thing is very strong. Bbq for example.