Rituals changes are already here, and they are great!
It looks like it just costs auric cells if you want to re-roll before the timer runs out. I don't know for sure, but that's how it looks. And only some of them seem to cost auric cells to re-roll; some are free to re-roll.
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I don't think you know what I'm referring to p2w as. That's obvious, but I thought the auric cells were to re-roll. Just the battle pass, not what you mentioned. It might not be P2W in it's entirety, but I can definitely see it.
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Can someone confirm or deny my theory here?
It looks to me that if you finish your daily ritual before the deadline you can reactivate it once for free to complete it again and get more rewards. After that though, if you already finished the same ritual twice before the deadline you have to pay auric cells to refresh it again.
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Honestly I'm just glad to see a visual change in general, looks much better and fleshed out. Also having a weekly ritual now that we can work towards, completing dailies quickly and you're done for the day in terms of rituals. Definitely dig the introduction of weeklies and overall visuals...plus another way to earn shards??? Please and thank you!
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The rewards are disappointing.
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Me, an Xbox player: :(
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In that second daily, how does that Clean Rag works? Do you get to choose the specific survivor you want to claim it for?
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When is this coming to pc?
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Don't forget about pc:) when is it coming to pc? I'm soo excited
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Nope, every day you will be able to get more than 50k BP, plus you now have weekly rituals.
there are 5 dailies and 5 weeklies.
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Do you know when it's coming to pc?
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If you were able to directly buy bloodpoints from the store with real money that would definitely be a form of pay-to-win. You would be paying to level up your characters faster, getting you better perks, items and addons, which would make your games easier. Something doesn’t need to be locked behind a paywall for it to be pay-to-win, although that version is much more scummy.
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Odd how Mobile gets it first before PC users...
I feel betrayed all of a sudden...?
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No, it wouldn't. It would be pay2speedupleveling at best.
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Mobile gets shards for dailys but not the actual game aight
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Which would be a form of pay to win. Again it’s not as bad as having things locked behind paywalls but that’s not saying much. Here’s a definition I found on google that explains it pretty well:
“Pay to Win means just that - every time you pay you get closer to winning, because items or content purchased give you a very perceptible power increase. You can have a game that has pay walls but no pay to win. You can have a game that has pay to win but no pay walls.”
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You don't even need perks to win.
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Am I missing something, half of these are pitiful amounts, like the totems, or encourage really horrible things like opening the gate as killer.
Looking at the weekly blood dance one, it's 3 30k dailies we have already, for the same reward of a total 90k.
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Maybe it's cheaper to level up on the phone version?
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We are talking about 90k bp once a week buddy. I can get that in a single match as killer.
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Read what I said. I don’t think that rituals are pay-to-win. I was replying to the guy who said that being able to purchase bloodpoints wouldn’t be pay-to-win. Something like being able to buy 1mil bp for $10 or something like that would definitely qualify.
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Yeah, but also it gives you shards, thats already awesome.
Also, each day you have new 5 daily rituals and 5 weekly rituals each 7 days. You will be able to get more than 60k BP plus shards.
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I would like to point out the progression is different on portable than on Console/PC. How does this affect the progression system for portable?