They did not nerf freddy, I was misunderstood

I believed that all status effects were taken out by oblivious but it was only the ones linked to terror radius.
Sorry devs, well played... this time
Sloppy Butcher isnt useless in Dream World. :P
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- Sloppy butcher isn't based on terror radius.
- Coulrophobia is already useless.
- Dream snares do not suck if you use them right.
- Borrowed Time no longer activates in the dream world.
- Even when BT works, getting hit by Freddy means you will go into the dream and therefore lose blood even while he is chasing you.
So how is this a nerf?
Also, Freddy might not be top tier, but he is definitely high tier.
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I'd even go so far as to argue he's the worst top tier.
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Oh man, I hadn't thought about that last bulletpoint. That'll definitely be a nice deterrent to people playing hook games with Freddy.
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but sloppy would deactivate if you entered the terror radius yes?
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No. Sloppy has nothing to do with the terror radius.
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Sloppy Butcher is not based on terror radius. It only works when you are injured, and it's permanent on you until you become healthy again.
I am honest to god dumbfounded how you thought butcher was effected by terror radius. It literally doesn't even specify or even mention the terror radius!
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BT not affecting you is a pretty nice buff in my opinion.
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i knew it wasnt terror radius but i assumed if u go oblivious then all status effects would disappear? my fault.
i take back what i said but at the same time, doesnt freddy have status effect addons???
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and would those change?
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He does, he can inflict - Blindness and Hemora.... that thing.
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so it would stay on regardless of if you were in the terror radius?
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His add-on status effects are timed.
In short: yeah they would.