Keys Rework

Broken Key:

  • Channeling for 1 seconds will reveal Survivor aura's within 24 meters
  • 10 seconds of use

Dull Key:

  • Channeling for 1 second will reveal Survivor aura's within 32 meters
  • 20 seconds of use

Skeleton Key:

  • Channeling for 0.5 second will reveal Survivor aura's within 32 meters
  • 40 seconds of use



  • Tainted Pearl - Increases Aura reading range by 8 meters
  • Prayer Rope - Adds 10 extra seconds of use


  • Prayer Beads - Adds 15 extra seconds of use
  • Scratched Pearl - Increases Aura reading range by 12 meters
  • Eroded Token - Channeling also reveals your aura to Survivors within 24 meters


  • Gold Token - Channeling also reveals your aura to Survivors within 48 meters (stacking with Eroded makes it 72 meters)
  • Weaved Ring - Decreases Channel time by 50%


  • Blood Amber - Channeling also reveals the Killers Aura within 16 meters
  • Unique Wedding Ring - You may see the obsessions Aura at all times. Decreases your odds of being the obsession


  • Milky Glass - You may preform a 5 second channel to open a locked hatch. Doing this consumes the Key. Decrease your Key's time by 15 seconds.
