How the Stranger Things Chapter is Going for Me so Far as Killer

This pretty much sums it up, it’s been a good 2 days. I do get A LOT of hate messages, seems like they’re mostly from people who just bought the game/Stranger Things Fans. I just respond with a gg though 🤷♂️
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So ruining the experience of newer players. Not sure why you brag about that.
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omg youre so cool. Having fun ruining new players experiences?
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I don’t see how demolishing new players is fun, I’d much rather face experienced players.
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Hey man that's not cool. Don't see why your bragging
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Wow, who pissed in your Cheerios?
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Wow you're so gosh darn cool! Way to drive away some potential new players! I wish I could be as cool as you!
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Okay, demolishing new players isn't very cool but neither is blaming him for doing it. He didn't make the matchmaking h system, he just played the game. Chill out guys.
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Im so proud of you, stomping these new players. Well done.
No offense, but I wanna meet people like the OP in rl just to see what they are like. I am really curious.
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He brought an ebony, I mean...he has to take some blame.
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Haven't played Killer since rank reset, so yeah this is what I’ve expected ❤️
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I didn’t make the Ebony, as far as I know it’s fair game. Why you disagree has more to do with morals than facts.
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Crushing lower ranks and showing it in pictures as a point isn't exactly making yourself look good lol...
If you want some praise (if thats what you're looking for) than re-post with kills from Red Ranks. Otherwise, this isn't anything special, nor is it impressive.
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I’ve done that’s countless times, this is a new experience for me; hence, the new type of post.
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Again, its isn't impressive and doesn't make yourself look good. Whether that was your intention or not, I have no idea.
But for me looking at this, I just see noobies getting stomped and probably blaming the game... and as usual might quit over it. Its not your problem to dumb down your play for them, but... if you know you're gonna 4k them, you should at least consider whos on the other end I guess?
Your post, up to you. Just giving a suggestion.
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Show us receipts when you get to red ranks.
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Search my name in the forums you’ll see all I play is red ranks
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I understand what you’re saying. Again, it Ian not my fault that they’re noobs. If anything the devs are to blame for releasing the rank reset side-by-side of the DLC release 🤷♂️
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Rokrueger be like
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I think that's pretty much everyone's argument, morals. You're running newer players away from the game by being an ######### to them. I mean other killers do it too, but this is why we can't have nice things.
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True, I personally blame the match-making as whole for why people that're higher in the ranks get paired with low ranks. That's a bit off-topic, but it goes with my point.
Whether you're in Red Ranks or not, you'll possible still get paired with low ranks on occasion...
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So what are you expecting? Whats the point of the posting? Playing on Rank 15, you will meet new players. You wanna show us with your 700+ playerlevel what it was like?
And of course you get hate massages from beginners when they get stomped, remember back.
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You keep saying I’m playing a certain way as if I’m not supposed to. If it’s in the game why shouldn’t I use it? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the perks/play styles I’m experiencing. You should blame the devs for releasing the DLC right next to rank reset.
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I think a great thing to take from this is to make a casual and ranked side to this game. People like op here need to be playing in ranks where sure it can reset but also need a casual game mode so people who are new don't get ######### over and over and over. We all know there are people that stay at the yellow ranks for this reason. To bully. Both survivor and killer do it. If it's in casual then ok cool move onto next and maybe get matched with people your skill. I know a lot of the community has been asking for this anyways. Almost every other multiplayer only games have the same exact system. Why this game can't? Who knows.
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People who just got it for Stranger Things are going to be rank 19 or 20. Ranking up as survivor is quite slow, especially if you are new.
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The only way a casual mode would work is if ranked was balanced. It's not. You'd have to remove perks/items/addons for ranked to be actually fair every game. Games right now are not balanced at all, because you might bring 4 brown med kits with no addons, and then the killer brings an ebony with iridescent heads + Infantry Hatchet.
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Not really no? I'mma use league as a pretty bad example for a second. Same gameplay, same items, same map. Same champs and everything. The difference being people screw around in normals and try hard in ranked. It would be literally the same thing here. People who want to rank up can do so willingly and stay in that rank to "git gud" while the casual matches people can learn and teach and screw around with different builds.
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Well for me it is going that
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The difference with League is League is more or less balanced, with the same things available every game and you can see what other people are buying. Every Champion has the same moves every game, every item does the same thing, and you can buy/sell items, and you don't start off with them. Games are more or less balanced. In this game, whoever brings the bigger guns into the match wins most of the time. Matches are heavily skewed toward one side's favor one way or the other from the moment the match starts. There's no balance in that. Ranked is generally for people who want to try hard, yes, but in that same vein, it's also for a match that could go either way. In some games, a match is so heavily skewed, that one side has a huge advantage from the moment you load in.
The only way they could do that with ranked with their systems right now is to remove addons/perks/items/offerings. Unless they changed the way the game plays heavily.
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You're getting 18-21k in BP. When I play killer I call that a wasted match.
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Also I like how you act as if you're proud of the way you play and yet you censor your username. Pretty telling
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It’s the rules to censor everyone’s name, I can see you’re new around here. Welcome!
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Cool...the reason why new players wont get into this game :/
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Not exactly, you don’t have to censor your name and you only need to block names that you are shaming.
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Oh I see! Thank you I will do that next time 🤙
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Nice dood.
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Rank 12 is new?
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It actually isn't. Only if you are shaming someone. Nice try though.
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Nice try what? I said Welcome since i thought you were new. Anyways, have fun and see you once the fog!
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You guys are trying to reason with someone that is by their own admission 'Speshul'. They aren't going to get it.
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I am wondering what you mean by “reason”, nothing UNREASONABLE has been done so far; please, elaborate.
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Didn’t you see the people below rank 15?
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You’re welcome
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That’s called confirmation bias, it’s only relevant to make your argument out of what’s appealing to your point. The green ranks we’re ignored by everyone of course. 😑
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And they ignored the people who were obviously new, it doesn’t just go one way. Also green ranks can still be new, you can rank up fairly quick.
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My mom said I was special. Was she lying?! 😭
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I like your style OP, the only really funny thing though is you’re playing killer with a controller. I can’t imagine how terrible of an experience that must be.
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It isn’t that bad tbh.
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#########! We need to confront them right now 😤