Would like to be able to guarantee the 2nd bloodweb perk that I want

First off, the new bloodweb changes are certainly appreciated. However before actually experiencing them live, I had this expectation built up in my head that I would be able to have my 2 pick of the litter between 3 perks from level 40-49 and my 2 pick of the litter between 4 perks from level 50+. However, that's not the case. You are still guaranteed to have your pick of 1 of them, but once that first perk is taken, the next perk the Entity takes is still going to be completely random. It would be a really nice QoL optimization/buff if you could update the bloodweb to allow us to guarantee our pick of the 2 perks we want. If not from 40-49, then at least give us that ability from level 50+. It would be greatly appreciated!

Seeing 2 perks I wanted, and then losing the 2nd one to the Entity after already queuing the bloodweb up to it in preparation to take it next was not a pleasant experience the first time it happened.