Freddy Buff Ideas

Change Dream Transition time to 5 sec. When survivors are in Dream World, repairing generators causes them to start regressing the generator by 50% of their normal repair speed instead of repairing gens at 50% speed. (This change ruins their progression instead of slowing their progression) This change should also be affected by his chain/rope add-ons to further increase the rate in which the surviors regress gens. NOTE: I have no idea if someone said these things already.


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Remove failed skill check wake up from SC. Bake some of his cubes dream transition time reduce into his base kit. Cancel and block interactions during dream transition aside from pallet drop, window vault, or hook rescue. Also, remove the extra slow for Red Paint Brush, it's not good enough to warrant that penalty. Black Box isn't worthy of being an ultra-rare with how little effect it has. Maybe add some extra effects to that obsession target that persist through the round, or have it so Black Box makes one person always is in the dream world. So if that guy wakes up, then it jumps to a different random survivor and that continues throughout the round.