Small Autodidact Rework

Replace the existing text with this:
While healing another Survivor without a medkit Autodidact activates. While Active:
Your healing speed is reduced by 25% and great skill checks are disabled
Skill checks boost healing progress by 15% per token and grant 1 token up to a maximum of 5.
Your skill check odds are increased by 5/10/15%
Not the healing speed part, but more skillchecks with autodidact are great.
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This. Autodidact is a very weak perk and it doesn't need a nerf and a buff, just a buff.
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It's an overall buff.
Right now the first skill check is -25 progression.
Now it's non-skill check progression. Meaning not only do you get more skill checks per second but you have more chances to get a skill check due to there being more seconds of healing.
Thus turning the downside into a psudo-upside.
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It also means that at max a skill check is +75% progression, which is a 4 second heal. Right now a 5 stack with a skill check is an 8 second heal.
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If you buff it, it will need a nerf. Or more accurately, it probably needs a rework.
I've seen it when it's actually in action, and it's insanely strong.
The key issue isn't strength, it's the use case. Most people use self care or a med kit and you typically only get 1 skill check if you fully heal a person. That means that getting the necessary skill checks to make it work is unlikely.
It's alike to Mettle in that it's a really strong perk, but doesn't fit in with how the game is played.
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Hence this post being a minor rework instead of just being higher numbers.